
I don't have anything really against Patricia as a designer (aside from being overly crafty, and I can see that getting old FAST), but her CRAZY eyes are just freaking me out. I actually yelled "Oh god STOP IT!" at the screen more than once.

I would love to be included next time too!

I feel like there was an interview with ASP where she said that the season finale (which, if there is a god, will not be a SERIES finale) that they are depicting Michelle running through the entire process of an audition, so I think the Talia storyline clearly serves the role of planting that seed back into her brain.

Yeah, not quite the same thing, but a similar gimmick… there's no point in NOT showing us Mrs. Wolowitz other than it being a "show" joke at this point ;)

I figure it's like the neighbor, Wilson, in Home Improvement. Did he show his face in the finale?

I think it it was the first challenge, he would have been. Cindy was auf'd more for cumulative failures than anything else

Didn't the fact that he broke into their garage kind of rule out the theory that it was a coincidence, or did I miss something?

That was my impression (sort-of) in that episode, but I feel like in a later episode they re-affirmed that Rory is indeed a brilliant journalism prodigy and that Mitchum was not entirely fair to her due to his feelings on her potential as marriage material for Logan.  I could be mis-remembering, but I remember being

I think it was just the way she was talking about "having it installed". Something tells me she wasn't drilling it into the wall herself ;)

I'm a broadway lover, but never really knew Chorus Line that well.  That's awesome :-D

I thought ti was weird that she was a guest star, but was in pretty much EVERY episode of the first season, save maybe 1. It makes sense that they might phase her out a bit, in fact I thought for a second that she'd leave with that boyfriend and Michelle would run the studio alone. I'm glad I was wrong, I like them

I think I read that ASP wasn't going to draw out MIchelle's return because there was no point in trying to tease as if it was permanent. Smart, IMO. Too many shows take WAY too long getting back into the "groove"

It sounds like @DtotheP:twitter  is finding her path, but was just a bit lost for a while and wishes he could "have those years back", persay. I can understand that: I followed a career path that "made sense", but it hasn't provided me the satisfaction I was hoping, and re-evaluating at a later point in life is tough

Thanks to Joss Whedon, I developed a major appreciation for execution of those amazing extended one-shot beauties. (Check out the opening scene on the ship in the movie "Serenity" for example) I can't recall if there were any cuts in this choreography, but it didn't seem like it! It was really wonderful to watch, I

that's how I saw it: that next week, her parents will stop paying the bills and she'll be in trouble for overspending. I mean, she redid floors and had a barre installed!

The checkerboard thing might not have been so bad if it was in black. The red just looked ridiculous.

My husband said "That looks like the girl from twilight", so I guess I can tell him that he wasn't the only one who saw it ;)

My Random Thoughts:


These comments always make me laugh, does your mom refuse to give you dessert until you watch it? :P