
Yeah, it was noticeably bad.  I think they didn't put it far back enough to not look like a photo. Even a green screen would have been less cheesy…

I figured Amy was so Sheldon-like due to her complete lack of "normal" friends growing up. Once she got "normal-ish" friends and started socializing, she enjoyed it and let go of some of the more Sheldon-like idiosyncrasies.  Sheldon never felt any pressure to change, since he always made people AROUND him change to

I felt the same way: none of the flaws presented by the reviewer were new to the show, so I don't get the sudden annoyance. I laughed a lot, so it was a better episode, in my book.

This episode made me laugh aloud several times, mostly for the Thor debate. I thought it was one of the better episodes the show had done in years. Not perfect (the boys storyline was clearly weaker), but, again, I laughed aloud multiple times. Most episodes this season couldn't accomplish that once.

HA, I was thinking that as I was writing it :P  I have a 3 year old who clearly already considers me her servant, who occasionally makes boo-boos go away with kisses :P

Even if it's just [clinically] a medical procedure, and that women have the right to do it routinely and safely, doesn't mean it's nothing. It's a huge decision with huge repercussions. I'm not sure how you can quantify the emotional  nature of something like abortion, but even if someone recovers down the line, it

Apparently the Greys' couples were ruled out, for what it's worth.  I didn't think of Joel and Julia at first, but Julia's a type-A personality under an enormous amount of stress, with everything in her life turned upside down. Making a rash decision to separate from Joel doesn't seem too out of character.

I think the show handled the abortion storyline pretty respectfully. I'm personally pro-life (because I *do* believe life begins at conception), but politically pro-choice because I get that it isn't a simple thing to define and I can't prove that I'm "right" anymore than I can prove that someone who disagrees is

I thought it was Todd's review too! :-)  Great job!

I think the show is being realistic in that kids that age, especially those with troubled backgrounds, don't understand how to be grateful/appreciative. They're confused and upset and lash out.  I though the first two episodes were actually making it look too easy — like all he needed to do was hit a home run, see the

Based on the tension between Joel & Julia, I would be surprised if they are the subject of this TVLine article 
(Warning: Potential spoiler for an undetermined TV Drama)…

I think the key was that they got the "bitchy, misunderstood" traits out of the way with the first season, so now we're unequivocally rooting for the character, and now she can develop in parallel to Michelle, not unlike Lorelai "growing up" alongside Rory. It's not Gilmore Girls exactly, but it's a similar dynamic. I

It was an awfully convenient speech to the plot, but damn if it wasn't sweet as hell :-)

based on the preview for next, it looks like they are setting up for Sasha's parents to leave town, and Sasha to stay with Michelle. Could be interesting!

I kinda love Sydney here too. When I was in school, I was the overachieving kid who would get pissed off with anything less than an A in all my classes. I remember getting kinda PO'ed because other kids would get rewards, money, etc. from their parents for getting a B report card, and I got squat.  My older sister was

I was half expecting them to drag it out until Feb Sweeps AT LEAST, so I'm glad they stopped when they did…

I was half expecting them to drag it out until Feb Sweeps AT LEAST, so I'm glad they stopped when they did…

I said the same thing, re: SMG being the mother. That would make me laugh. At this point, any Whendonverse female would be acceptable.

I said the same thing, re: SMG being the mother. That would make me laugh. At this point, any Whendonverse female would be acceptable.

I suspect the cockamouse is involved…