
YES! It was pissing me the hell off. It also distracted us from our favorite game, counting the number of angry snake shots per episode (we predicted 5, but there was so much rain this episode, I believe we only counted 2 or 3)

Yeah, that kinda bugged me too. I'm glad they didn't draw it out, but for a show that always seems so real, it felt odd to have it jump into "sitcom-time".  Even though most people I know don't get mammogram results same-day, I could buy that part, but not the cancer diagnosis.

Yeah, that kinda bugged me too. I'm glad they didn't draw it out, but for a show that always seems so real, it felt odd to have it jump into "sitcom-time".  Even though most people I know don't get mammogram results same-day, I could buy that part, but not the cancer diagnosis.

Darn you disqus, that was supposed to be a response to @shotgunconcepts:disqus 's comment about comparing Haddie's appearance to a dog. Ooops. :P

Darn you disqus, that was supposed to be a response to @shotgunconcepts:disqus 's comment about comparing Haddie's appearance to a dog. Ooops. :P

Honest ones with a sense of humor?

Honest ones with a sense of humor?

The scene that comes to mind for lack of dialogue was the scene in Buffy when she tells Dawn that their mother died, quietly in the hallway. Breaks my heart every time….

The scene that comes to mind for lack of dialogue was the scene in Buffy when she tells Dawn that their mother died, quietly in the hallway. Breaks my heart every time….

THIS.  It's exactly what turned me off about Glee.  His attempts to boil down issues of racism & homophobia to oversimplified stereotypes were, IMO, insulting.

THIS.  It's exactly what turned me off about Glee.  His attempts to boil down issues of racism & homophobia to oversimplified stereotypes were, IMO, insulting.

Your post is exactly the point i keep trying to make. If your goal (as a film-maker) is to progress to a point where gay people are treated the same as everyone else, and not defined by their gayness, then DON'T DEFINE THEM only by the gayness!  I'm straight and as pro-gay-rights as anybody, but shows like Glee just

Your post is exactly the point i keep trying to make. If your goal (as a film-maker) is to progress to a point where gay people are treated the same as everyone else, and not defined by their gayness, then DON'T DEFINE THEM only by the gayness!  I'm straight and as pro-gay-rights as anybody, but shows like Glee just

*sigh* What can I say, I love this show. So glad it's back. Something about it just feel so real to me, even if I can't relate directly to what these characters are going through.

*sigh* What can I say, I love this show. So glad it's back. Something about it just feel so real to me, even if I can't relate directly to what these characters are going through.

I think it was said in an interview that it was a creative decision — it wouldn't be realistic to force her into every storyline. She'll probably make appearances around the major holidays. Props for Parenthood & Katims for trying their darnedest to keep it real…

I think it was said in an interview that it was a creative decision — it wouldn't be realistic to force her into every storyline. She'll probably make appearances around the major holidays. Props for Parenthood & Katims for trying their darnedest to keep it real…

Sort of like people using the N word as a term of endearment? Granted, I'm not black, but that just bothers me.

Sort of like people using the N word as a term of endearment? Granted, I'm not black, but that just bothers me.

Because Romney is going to ban television shows he doesn't personally agree with?