
I think the only reason I'm disappointed about Barney/Robin (I"m with Donna, I don't care about the "reveals" on the show, I enjoy the unique story-telling) is because this means that Barney won't have kids. I would have LOVED for Barney to be a dad! Of course, I know they are being open-ended as to whether or not

But I'm sure they were right purely by accident ;)

Also, I'd add that Ozai's rise to power was pretty much independent of the opinion of his subjects. He was powerful, he was the firelord, and there was not much you could do about it. Amon, on the other hand, is [presumably] working within the confines of a representative government, and he actually HAS to be

Troyzan seemed very perceptive of the pecking order on the women's side, he just wasn't able to convince any of them to turn their back on Kim.  Also, and this is credit to Kim, she had SUCH a good relationship with everybody, that the second anyone started to sense any dissent, they ran to Kim like trained puppies to

Was anyone else wondering why they were doing CPR on Henry when his heart-rate had merely slowed, not stopped?

I liked Troyzan. He did, unfortunately, get stuck with some people who were less-than-great players. However, if you were THAT smart, maybe you should have refused the insanity of giving up the immunity idol? Would such an amazing player be THAT afraid of friggin' COLTON?

Yes, this. Chelsea would have been PISSED, and it would have been a fresh wound when it came time to vote for the million.  Kat, as upset as she was, clearly had time to calm down.  Kim managed to truly not piss anyone off, and even the two Sabrina votes were more sour grapes, I think, than true anger/bitterness.

Yeah, they were almost just as goat-like if you think about it. Chelsea just followed Kim, although Kim was smart enough to let Chelsea change the vote a few times to feel "important", but when did Sabrina do ANY kind of strategizing, other than to determine that *gasp* Christina would vote out of desperation to stay

Using the idol would have only ruffled feathers and stirred up mistrust and paranoia, particularly with Sabrina.  Even if Chelsea were to get upset about it, It would have been easy enough for Kim to sell Chelsea on that argument, that it was more important to keep Sabrina calm and "in line" at that point of the game.

I agree with @avclub-50e678c8851351250060fd62399404e9:disqus :  As much as colton disgusted me, I would have loved to see how Kim would have handled him.

The only hope of a surprise was if Kim did NOT win the final challenge. But, with this crew, I wouldn't have put it past them to have had their heads so far up Kim's butt to not realize that she was vulnerable had she not won.

Christina's biggest mistake, IMO, was that she just kinda "took" it when Colton & Alicia started berating her. Now, I don't say this because I think it would have been easy (I would have been in fetal position crying, probably, if it was me — I would be the worst survivor player EV-UH), but if she had found a way to

I think he was SUPPOSED to fill the role of "Representative audience member who thought Colton was a bit of a jerk" to counter Mayim Bialik's opinion, but it was like he got stage fright or something and was afraid to say something mean. Maybe he was afraid Colton would turn him to stone if he made eye-contact.

Once Kim won the second immunity challenge, I basically tuned out of the rest of the episode. What a disappointment. Not because Kim was unlikable or played poorly (she wasn't & she didn't) but it was just a foregone conclusion. At least Rob was a bit more entertaining as he plowed to his inevitable victory.

I don't watch an enormous amount of comedy on TV (I have a 2 and a half year old at home), and I've never tried Community, Parks & Rec, but of the things I'm watching now:

Yeah, my comment above probably seems more angry than I meant it. If I didn't still enjoy the show at its core, I wouldn't keep watching. But I've been increasingly disappointed from the 4th season on.  I used to smile at the antics of a bunch of geeky socially awkward people that I could somewhat relate to.

I disagree about Howard. His character is still incredibly creepy to me (especially the increasingly-stale "momma's boy" jokes). He did have some sweet moments, but that's not enough to undo 5 straight months of creepy, in my book.  I still don't buy that a girl like Bernadette would love him.

The only thing funnier than the swarm of fairies was the swarming bugs sound effects…  as much as I'm pretty good at suspending disbelief for this show, that made me laugh aloud.

I think if Troy is pissed at anyone, it's the people who didn't flip with him to vote Kim out.  Also, I could be wrong, but I don't recall Kim leading any taunts or being the loud whoooper/cheerer when he lost the immunity challenge. She was smart enough to let Chelsea and Alicia look like the bitches

I don't know, you could argue that had the Redemption Island contestants had ANY brains whatsoever, Rob would have been at a DISADVANTAGE due to the knowledge that he's an amazing player.  Kim had the ability to lay low for a while during the game's early phase.