Gamin' Girl

I figured that might be an actual thing that would be an in-game reason for being unable to transfer in pokemon not in the pokedex. Even if they don’t use it for the games, I bet the anime might. Maybe one of the new, or even old, species would be something that would demonstrate why they do it in the first place.

As much as I agree with the comment about Geodudes, I would just want to lessen the appearances of Zubats. Crobat happens to be one of my favorites, and you have to evolve it from Golbat to get it. And I can understand how Pokemon get irrelevant over time as well. I have no idea when the last time I saw a Sunflora

Honestly much easier with the Sheikah armor. Still took me like five tries to get it right though. Funny how I read this on the same day that I did this mission myself though. Or maybe just coincidental.

It’s worth it. Powers are awesome, love that you can choose a mobility type, weapon choices are sweet. Not to mention that it’s pretty easy to make your character look like whatever you want. I have never seen any two characters in the game look exactly the same.