
You’re missing the point. Of course these poor people don’t want to die, they don’t want to leave their families alone. But how many times have you personally been to the ER for something that PROBABLY wouldn’t have killed you? Off the top of my head, in the last ten years, I’ve been for a minor car accident and

I am so sorry for your loss. It just isn’t right, none of this is fucking right.

I personally know about a guy who didn’t have insurance because my stupid state didn’t expand Medicaid. He ignored the signs of being pretty sick because his only option was the ER and he’d already been there a lot recently and couldn’t afford it.

wut? lol

omg, those are some hideous tattoos. the more you see of him the uglier they get.

Is this the cover for that NaNoWriMo book/fanfic Gawker covered where the guy discovered there was a vagina in the seat of his motorcycle and he could have sex with it?

Oh my lard, I wheeze-laughed. Classic.

I’ll just leave this here.

Fargo Wells.

Hawhawhaw that cowboy & rope pic totally doesn’t look like gay porn.

If he decides to venture out into porn I think Chase Banks has a nice ring to it.

Yeah the left pic is kind of doing it for me and I’m not proud of it.

But the the other one? I don’t know. He can lasso me anytime.

I know this is more “bitch eating crackers” pedantism, but at this point I don’t fucking care. Look at that bitch eating crackers in his baggy-ass suit and micropenis-covering tie.

He has a history of not paying his bills and not thinking things through. You have to plan ahead to buy a suit and have it properly fitted.
One, he’s not that patient.
Two, what skilled tailor in their right mind would want to put up with a client like that?

It can’t even buy him a decent hair-piece.

Or taste!

But it can buy a couple of escorts to piss all over your bed.

Interesting question of whether he doesn’t care, or if the “not caring” is carefully engineered to hide how fat he is.

I feel like he just has a big pile of suits thrown in the corner of his bedroom in the White House that he rummages around in every morning until he finds something that matches.