And THAT is the exact line I am dying to hear out of the mouth of some grubby little girl!
And THAT is the exact line I am dying to hear out of the mouth of some grubby little girl!
I’d rather see an exact recreation of Mean Girls, but gender swapped.
Thing is, Lord of the Flies was a response to a particular conceit of British pulp novels which depicted young boys/men being stranded as a fun adventure with little internal conflict. Golding took the subject of entitled British boarding school boys and the kind of savagery he saw in how they acted with each other…
Sucks to your ass-mar.
Exactly- keep the aggression exactly as-is. Don’t change it to talking behind someone else’s back and slap fights. Keep it utterly brutal and show us why that makes us so much more uncomfortable when it’s girls instead of boys. Make us interrogate our own assumptions and stereotypes.
This was answered in a movie or tv show, I can’t remember which one, but basically the male theory is that at some point clothes are getting ripped and they’ll start having sex because logic.
The only way this could not be completely awful is if it were an exact recreation of the original story but gender swapped, because that would tell us some interesting things about how we perceive violence and gender. Anything else is going to be a stereotyped mess.
Any church or other religious organization that is physically capable of offering shelter during a disaster and doesn’t should have its tax-free status automatically revoked. They should have to pay taxes like any other business until they can prove their charitable value to the community.
Same with child gun death studies.
It’s true. He was a shitty doctor.
As a (shitty) doctor once told me when I reported a patient’s high blood pressure reading: “He wouldn’t have high blood pressure if you didn’t insist on checking it.”
I’ve gotten to the point where the “live” part is optional for me.
Agreed. I do not want any of them to die young; I want all of them to live long, long, healthy lives. I want these treasonous scum to live with crystal-clear mental faculties so they can experience every drop of the sneering hatred the world has for them.
Holy fuck does Trump look stupid. I mean just look at that un-thinking face. Those beady, unfocused eyes. You could hold the paper up to his left ear and read it through his right.
“...alongside the boardroom buzzwords “relevant stakeholders,”..”
I fucking hate everybody in this administration and I can’t wait for them to live out the rest of their lives in disgrace.