
Bringing a child to a fertility clinic is massively insensitive. 

It sort of reminds me of what happens when identity theft prevention companies go out of business. They sell off all their assets, which in their case is the personal data of all their customers. A company’s longevity isn’t always guaranteed, and that can lead to some strange circumstances.

YES! That was a big thing for me too. He needed to be told what to clean, what chores to do, when to do them etc. Im like JUST CLEAN WHAT NEEDS TO BE CLEANED! And when I did I was like you, mentally doing the task on top of what I was already doing. It was always exhausting.

Needing to have chores assigned is a big issue to me. I just... clean things when they get dirty (overwhelmingly dirty lately, but that’s life sometimes.) My boyfriend wants me to tell him which task to do. If he does offer to wash the dishes while I clean another room, it turns into me having to tell him where

As a broad trend, I’ve noticed that men tend to be very work-to-rule about cleaning. Ask one to clean a messy table, for instance, and he says to himself “I will clean the absolute fuck out of this table. I will go to Lowe’s and purchase additional supplies if I am not satisfied with the surface cleaner we own. When I

while i appreciate a balance, this is not equivalent.

My husband’s response to housework stress is to tell me it doesn’t matter and I should just let it go.  Definitely a privilege blind spot for him.  

“she sure as shit will file that tidbit away about me. And I say this as someone who gets along great with her mother in law.”

I remember when my ex and I were still dating and living together. I worked a regular day job 8-5 and he worked weekends. He literally did SHIT all day, I mean nothing except get up at noon or later and fuck around until I got home then cook dinner (nothing fancy but he would cook dinner as long as I told him what to


I’ve noticed a strange difference between how men tend to clean clutter. If a table is cluttered, for instance, my male partners or roommates have always seemed to pick up the items, clean the table, then re-arrange the cluttered items back on the table into a very neat stack. Whereas my female roommates and I are

This! I remember (because I am an Old) receiving the polio vaccine at school. Why not have immunization clinics a few times a year at a place where the kids will already be?

Even aside from the difficulties of freezing the eggs in the first place, the success rate is LOW. Less than 1 in 5 women who freeze their eggs go on to give birth to a baby from a frozen egg.

My wife and I were married six years before we had a kid and both of us were asked about when we are having kids, seperately and together all the time. The worst was when we would go to a family get together and get cornered separately and give slightly different answers on when we plan to or why are we waiting so

Yeah I have an 8 month old that is awesome but also has health issues, Had an awful and risky pregnancy and we both almost died, People that knoew all this still ask the question and say I’m being selfish for not having a second.

Next time a relative brings this up tell them you’re eagerly awaiting the first round of infidelity and divorces. Unless you like your cousins, of course. In that case, just tell prying relatives to mind their own damn business.

Yeah, no woman wants to have that conversation. I’m 33 and get around it by saying ‘I’m so glad I never had kids’ loudly and repeatedly. I like children, but like, not in my house. My friend, who is the exact same age, just had IVF to get pregnant. She dropped almost as much as my house deposit because she wants a

my lady bits are being an asshole

I’d like to climb inside your brain for a bit. I like the way you think.

And fact-checkers.