
Maybe he had a dog named Oscar. That’s maybe what she meant??

I like to treat myself to a “Sorry Men Suck” cake every Wednesday. Also known as just “cake”.

When he did that DC special for Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, DC gifted him Harley Quinn’s baseball bat from the film.

I don’t really have feelings one way or another. I like how he stuck by and tried to help his friend who was addicted to drugs. This makes me like him.

whatever you think of Kevin Smith he comes off as a really great, genuinely loving dad.

Adriana we all go though this, sick at work, with family....bllahhhh

voracious reader =//= “goat who eats paper”
voracious reader = BOOKWORM.

Donald Trump, real life Draco Malfoy.

I agree that they can do better, but I think a solution would be to collab with WOC comedians and writers, because they can’t write from a WOCs perspective, since they are not one. Tina is funny as hell with her observational comedy on race though. That episode of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt where Titus is less scary as

I’VE MET DOUG! That family lives in my town, he came into my store once and started talking all about being on the show. I thought he might’ve been making it up but apparently not. Huh. He seemed well meaning but a little doofy, evidenced by him telling us that he and his wife are featured because he’s an older white

it’s not that i want this guy dead...