
For all of its faults (and those faults are really on a corporate side not on the console itself) the wii U has the best lineup of first party titles since the SNES. It has the best Mario Kart, the best Pikmin, the best New Super Mario Bros (yeah that doesn’t say much). Mario 3d World is a classic, Tropical Freeze is

Me too! I feel like I can move much faster if I hold my tits.

I never said the words no or stop and yet i was sure as fuck raped.

Now I have a question for trans Jezzies or someone close to a trans person.

Good be scared!!!

That’s true, up until a point. But modern research has shown us that there is a a lot of psychodynamics going on in these coercive situations. For example, pretending to climax might be an early part of “normalizing,” a psychological response to being raped where a woman tries to convince herself that an encounter was

I wish I could star this, like a million times. It’s not complicated. It doesn’t have to be difficult, or long-winded, or taxing.

That an unbelievably apt simile. “Like playing with a tiger using a short rope.” Damn.

what you described above is selfish as fuck.

the reasoning is that faking an orgasm will make the rapist come as fast as possible and then the unwanted sex will end. you really don’t understand.

It has happened to me several times with several different guys... I agree to have sex with someone, then after a while I am sick of it, I know I won’t finish (some guys, especially when alcohol is involved, take too long), and I just want it to be over, but he won’t stop when asked. I tell him to finish, but he just

I wish I could star your response a dozen times.

I wonder if grip strength has gone down because guys no longer feel the need to break someone’s hand to prove their masculinity.

And then of course they totally threw a wrench in balance when they added BFRs to the game.

People who have a defibrillator need to have a landline. That is how the device gets monitored.

I wonder if he was planning to kill her? That is fucking scary.

Until the end, I really didn’t think it would happen. I guess I was just being naive.

I really like you :)

Hmm, this is an excellent question. I do think Janeway is most analogous to Hillary. They both do things their way and often piss people off, and aren’t afraid to make mistakes, but are overall badass at their jobs. They are both charting new territory (literally in Janeway’s case) and everyone they come across

Remember, folks: no matter how disappointed you may be that Bernie lost the primary, a vote for Trump or a non-vote just increases the risk that Trump ruins more lives than ever (and he’s ruined plenty in his “career” as a “businessman”). Think really hard before you abstain from voting or cast an anger vote for