
A friend of mine has the most amazing four-year-old daughter. She’s the fiercest, loudest, toughest, best little girl I’ve ever known. I mean, I love this kid like she was my own. I’d take a bullet for her. She’s a bright, beautiful, awesome little human being.

Jesus. There isn’t enough wine in the world right now...

and for good measure:

“A nearby surveillance camera shows multiple cars passing by the scene as Di Pietrantonio screamed for help. Monteleone notes that had someone stopped, her life might have been saved.”

There’s two main ones. There is the app version, then there is the browser version. The App version is supposed to intercept at the connection level, so it’ll cover ads for any other app, whether it’s a game or a browser. It can be iffy at times depending on the phone, and some apps detect if you are using it and go

“Damnit, Susan. I’ve seen your minge more times than my own wife’s at this point. When will you be cured!?”

Can you imagine going to a doctor for this? YES DOCTOR I AM HERE FOR MY, UM, THERAPY!

No. The problem DID exist, you just didn’t hear about it. You have never talked to all the trans* folks who got harassed and beat up and abused when they tried to use the bathroom. You’ve never had to help a friend find a safe space in a conservative neighborhood when he suddenly needed a toilet ‘cause he ate a street

Little did we know: before Obama, transgender people could metabolize their own waste so they never had to use the bathroom. That’s why everyone is freaking out! They’re just jealous that they don’t have Trans Super Powers!

That’s cool and all, but will I be able to play it on my smart fridge?

Someone who watched the video said he rubbed a cut open pepper on the tampon and resealed the package. Pepper juice (especially the oil from the seeds, the hottest part) wouldn’t leave any noticeable staining and you’d probably only notice the smell if you stuck it right up under your nose.

Yup! I was excited about Caitlyn until she made it clear that her own personal comfort was more important to her than advocating for the community. I stopped watching her show once it became obvious that she was just as shallow and self-involved as the rest of her family, and since then it's just been a series of

Next weekend, I will be starting my 2nd trimester. From some angles, I look pregnant and other angles it is more “burrito bloat” that just looks weird. I look oddly sausage like and definitely do not look normal. Either way, I’m wearing a fucking bikini to the pool for the first time in almost 10 years. My regular

Oh goody, now I can watch people water their green lawns that they planted IN THE GODDAMN DESERT. THE MOJAVE DESERT. GREEN LAWNS. THAT IS A PROBLEM.

Maybe one day, I will be out of the greys here, but even if I’m not, I think it’s time for me to start posting something every single time trans people and bathrooms get brought up. So, here we go.

If these assholes were really worried about their delicate children’s well-being at school, they’d pass some fucking common sense gun laws rather than getting worked up about who’s taking a dump in the stall nextdoor.


That’s all I got, just fuck this guy. Oh and as for those neighbors.

It seems that this woman and her doctor did the due diligence to ensure a healthy pregnancy was possible. As someone who has experienced infertility for the past 3 year (currently pregnant after fertility treatment- wish me luck!), this is a deeply personal issue and everyone deserves the chance to decide for

Sadly, not in our lifetime. I’ve also seen this variation, which is also true: