
I love when people bring up Trump to defend AOC. But Trump does this and he’s worse so it’s ok that she is blisteringly incompetent! Can you give an example of a workable solution she has provided?

What solutions did AOC offer? Did you read the GND?

No, she and her crack team locked themselves in an office for a weekend and wrote this. Seriously.

I would encourage everyone in this thread to actually read the text of the GND and then come here and tell me this is something people should be supporting. Just because AOC is cute and parrots back the shit we all say on Twitter out loud in her hearings does not make her good at legislating. It was a terrible

This show does a really really great job of capturing the essence of feeling like a fish out of water, being unfairly judged by society, having a shitty boyfriend etc. and it is honestly applicable and relatable even if you aren’t overweight. Aidy is perfect as usual and I have loved Lindy West since she wrote here.

Have we even had any coverage here of his own sexual harassment scandal?

I agree with all of this and I think it’s a mistake to assume Ilhan is acting in good faith. The Justice Dems entire point is to stir shit and primary dems. If she wanted to affect change about Israel she wouldn’t continue to do it this way. This is about causing a rift. I think a lot of people are behaving badly here

I mean, everything you describe seems like it could be consistent with a victim of childhood sexual abuse so?

Between this article and the Hillary one this morning, it has become clear to me that Jez is not capable of relevant social commentary anymore. We’ve been so critical of the right exploiting candidates’ personal lives or criticizing women’s looks, yet this pretty, young woman comes along and teehee let’s talk about

I’m sorry--is she a Kardashian or a congressperson? 

Seriously. You allowed your son to be abused. The least you can do is listen to what happened to him. Even if it does cause nightmares.

I 100% agree. They simply do not know what they are doing yet (if I am being charitable with the Justice Dems intentions)—which is ok! They are new to congress. But in that situation, it is prudent to observe and be cautious with the things you say. I am at the point where I manage a lot of people—if brand new people

Latoya said (if you google it you may be able to find it) that she and her sister Rebbie were sexually abused by their father. Rebbie got the worst of it and moved out at 16 which is when he started abusing Latoya (to a lesser extent, based on her story). I would not even remotely be surprised if Joe abused Michael or

It all comes back to the idea of a “Big Lie”. Tell one so big and so often that people will believe it. 

This documentary and the subsequent hour with Oprah was the best thing I have ever seen on childhood sexual abuse. The clear articulation of grooming, the motivations of the boys’ refusing to speak the truth initially, the complicatedness of abuse when it feels like love, the life long effect it has on the victims and

Don’t worry--Russia will tell them who to vote for again.

Yep and I love that he filed as an independent. A dem when it benefits him only and a signal to his supporters that he isn’t a dem. I would be shocked if we ever see his tax returns.

Hillary cares about this country—that’s why she ran. She knows her running is not going to help the country right now, so she chooses to contribute in other ways. Bernie does not care about the country, only enriching himself. He knows he won’t win, but knows it will raise his profile/get him reelection money and he

Yet the writers here all seem to support Bernie...never thought I’d see this day. 

Who cares if HRC called him, where are his tax returns?