
There needs to be one message with regards to Lindsey, “What does Trump have on you?” Just over and over and over until he goes insane. 

Amy Klobuchar has been great, I wasn’t super super aware of her before. Looking forward to Kamala. 

Lindsey Graham is a little bitch.

I have been worried that she will turn on her at some point and that the senators are holding something back in order to paint her as a liar (which she is obviously not). If she is very nice and fair in the beginning, it’s harder to paint her as hostile later. 

To be honest, I was skeptical of her, but I think she might be doing the appropriate thing here and treating Christine Blasey Ford with the same respect and care she would treat any other victim. And perhaps she took this assignment in order to do just that. Hearing isn’t over yet though, so I am reserving judgment

Is it Kamala that is asking for the docs to be given to everyone? I can’t quite tell.

Rage stroking, and also trying to channel any good feelings I have and send them to Dr. Ford.

Shut the fuck up, Chuck Grassley.

Seriously. Mark Judge is already so fucked, I don’t get why he doesn’t come out, admit to his crimes and try to make amends (by whatever means necessary). He could come out looking slightly better than he is inevitably going to. 

I am glad I get to be alive at the same time as these women. That is the only bright I can find right now. I am in awe of their bravery. 

Personally, I would love this. We have a lot of power, we just haven’t used it yet.

So much crazy happened today that no one is tracking it all. At one point I caught a part of the press conference with the PM of Japan and Trump and Trump said it was ‘just horrible what they (dems) were doing to Kavanaugh’ and that ‘it could happen to any man, any man’ (he then gestures to Shinzo)  except maybe him

Sometimes I feel sick about what we lost out on. There would be an entire generation of people who only knew Obama and Clinton as our presidents and they would grow up with that framework for what presidents should be and what the world could look like. I am probably idealizing what Clinton’s term would have looked

I watched this press conference with revulsion but as with every time I watch him speak, I find him naturally very persuasive and charming. You just have to ignore the gibberish he’s saying and only clue into the key words. It is terrifying, but he is incredibly good at saying very simple things persuasively and these

Great list.

I have been pretty terrified for Dr. Ford, going against someone with this much legal experience, but he came off so poorly in that Fox interview that I feel she will be fine in that respect. I think Trump picked him because he is compromised in some way or compromisable (whether it’s these types of allegations or


Agree. Excellent choice. Smile is genuine and there is nothing to pick apart. 

I know we were all hoping to avoid this, but if this moves to a vote, it is up to women (and the men who support us) to FUCK SHIT UP. We have to donate to democrats, call our senators, volunteer in key senate races (you can volunteer for Beto even if you don’t live in TX) and protest when and where we can.

How can we help? I may have the option to get to DC tomorrow, does it make sense to go protest/show support for Dr. Ford at the senate? Or do we need to protest the vote on Friday? I missed the walk out Monday because I didn’t know about it.