
“they didn’t “benefit” from it.”

Her whole story is wonky. “He walked in and raped me.” Like it’s THAT easy to rape an unwilling partner.

Except that it’s all hearsay. You can very well accuse a guy of rape 20 or 30 years later but there’s no arrest/conviction possible. Even with Cosby, as bad as he was (also), it came down to ONE woman in court. ONE. And a mistrial in the end.

“The industry would have protected him” from what? She had his DNA. “The industry” would have no say in the matter if she called the cops right then and there. ANd she opted to work for him AFTER that?!?!?!

I’m sorry, but is it THAT easy to rape a woman? I had no idea.

Racist c( )nt.

“... police found bottles and bottles of testosterone in the home, 20 in total. Chanel said Rich is an admitted steroid user who’s been juicing for more than 20 years.”

Until Trump issues a call to condemn social justice warriors en masse, you’ll be just fine little fella. Have another hot pocket and relax.