Clementine Rountree

I feel like Gervais has always wanted to be seen both ways: brazenly cruel and "anti-PC" as well as introspective and well-meaning. The issue is that he doesn't seem to understand why certain things he's produced are funny or well-liked, so he shoots in the dark to try to replicate his previous success. I've liked a

It was more that the town I lived in hosted four of the games. It was insane. Businesses would shut down at 10am to ensure everyone could watch the games. But this was in Europe where working crazy ass hours for mundane wages and 'living to work' is basically an unheard concept in most parts.

I wish this was the top comment.

It was "unfortunate" when my parents got divorced, because I feel like all us kids were rooting for them to stay together. It's a word that is often used in the English language to convey hope for a situation. I sometimes teach ESL classes, so I am answering your question as I would one of my students who sometimes

I think Michael Sam has a pretty good story and it has nothing to do with his being gay. It is amazing that he's alive, not on drugs, not in jail, or not homeless.

What kind of shit-ass team can't handle the "distraction" of some people *hoping* that a borderline player makes the cut. Holy fuck nuts, if your team can't handle that kind of SEARING INTENSITY, you're already properly fucked out of the gate.

LOL The ol' reverse psychology bit. A racism classic!

He deserves to be treated like a child for understanding the world like one.

Have the soccer fans stopped throwing bananas at the black players then?

"This is why Michael Sam is a distraction."

It's unfortunate because Michael Sam is attempting to become the first openly gay player in the NFL, something of enormous symbolic importance, and while no one wants him to be judged by anything but his merits as a football player, many sports fans were and are rooting for him to succeed.

Probably the only black man recently to say "Oh no, I have to leave St. Louis."

This is hilarious. Not because it is necessarily bad singing, but the words are just so randomly stupid.

Even the most mediocre Broadway actors can sing and dance competently on stage at the same time. It's pathetic that a pop star can't even manage as much without sounding like bad karaoke.

Yes. To all. The drug war has cost this country well over a trillion dollars. It's resulted in the incarceration of tens of millions of low-level, nonviolent drug offenders — overwhelmingly young people, poor people, people of color. It's severely damaged the relationship between the police and those communities that

Public servant. Public information. It would be no different if he had simply identified himself, as all officers are mandated to do upon civil request. He is accountable for his actions.

Its actually Ray Albers, apparently: