
Oh, I see. So homophobic or racist slurs are off-limits, but you’re perfectly fine if he impugns the dignity of actual motherfuckers. Hypocrite.

I have two hands

I hate to break it to you, but child predators don’t actually care about the law. If they did, they wouldn’t prey on children.

If he had written, “Thanks for all the fish.” I would be much more worried.

If I say the sky is blue and you say its made of giant swinging dicks that doesn’t mean our points are equally valid.

Believing everybody else is thinking what you are but lack the courage to say it out loud is the core of what is wrong with old conservative dudes. No, most people are not thinking what Donald Trump is saying. Most people are thinking about sex. Or drugs. Or both.

Ya, conservatives are really muzzled in this country. That’s why Limbaugh was cancelled and Fox News was taken off the air.

No, they really don’t have any merit at all. It’s already illegal to molest anyone in a bathroom. Sexual predators can currently go into any bathrooms they please in NC. If this was a huge epidemic it would be a known issue. It is not a huge epidemic, it is not an issue, there is no logic other than “trans=gross”

Sounds like todays USA.

“they behaved behave like the bullshit aristocracy that they were are, which is to say that they were are complete shitbags.”


My parents were one of those petit bourgeoisie who ran away to California, thank God.

Uhh, I think we’re going to need the full story here.

Has there ever been a single case of a transgender person attempting to molest a child in a restroom? I’d be more worried about my kids spending time alone with a Republican wrestling coach.

You’d be correct except with a Gluten Allergy you can’t drink beer.

Curry is an incredible passer. If he wanted to be Chris Paul for a game, he could, but beyond Draymond Green he doesn’t have the bigs to get away with that.

Just another Silicon Valley brat following his own rules. A real San Franciscan would have been too high to interfere.

Clearly those birds have been forced out of their homes by rising rents and lack of affordable housing.

“The criminal mindset”

Handjobs aren’t bad, but women portrayed as serving for the sexual pleasure of men as a means to sell fast food and other products, well... it’s been done. A lot. If they’re going to imply something sexual, then where is my pixelated shot implying the woman is getting fingerbanged, huh? Ah yes... nowhere, because it’s

Eh. This has about as much chance of getting through both houses of congress and signed into law as a bill to legalize crack.

“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”