I'm really tired of the conservative woman's narrative of actively opposing feminism and then complaining when they are left out of it.
I'm really tired of the conservative woman's narrative of actively opposing feminism and then complaining when they are left out of it.
She preached for years how women's places were in the home while simultaneously graduating from an Ivy League law school and authoring numerous books. You know being a career woman....
This sounds like Stevie is making a play for the Christopher Wallace estate money. Faith was still married to him when he died and a sudden windfall would help Stevie’s money problems....
That's a joke in response to the sterotype that within certain minorities, all people look the same.
Mara is not just a writer. She created and produced the show and it ran for nearly a decade. That’s almost twice as long as SATC. That also covers all the salaries for the cast and crew and probably the promotion and marketing aspects. Don’t deny this woman and the project the money they deserve. We complain as women…
It's still incredibly irritating that Serena Williams had to play people with triple digits rankings in the first place.
I miss the Obamas too but I'm sure they're happy to be out of the limelight at this point. The constant attacks and conspiracy theories were getting out of hand....
I honestly don't see the Democrats winning another national election until Pelosi is ousted...
If Crowley thinks that leaving his name on the ballot is a way to unite the Democratic Party then he's high.
Pretty sure Issa would never go there. It's one of the few shows to portray BW as successful and ambitious throwing an unplanned pregnancy in the mix would turn the character into a common sterotype with a Baby Daddy.....
None of the films she’s been the lead have been successful without another larger star being in the film as well. This movie will tank just like Ghost in the Shell did.......
Perhaps her and Amandla Sandberg should chat.....she respected Black Panther enough to pass on a role and let it go to an actress who more accurately fit the context of the film.....I'm sure she felt left out but she avoided a lot of drama in her career....
As a fan of the comics, I find it irritating that she's this clueless about the character that she's portraying. Fact is Storm is from Africa. She would be darker in terms of complexion. I honestly didn't like her acting in the last two movies but was willing to give her a chance until she started spewing this…
Maybe if this woman bothered to get involved in her community she would know who her REPRESENTATIVE was and not call the cops....
Because she’s not right for the part and taking a movie that your probably not the best choice for while ignoring any critiques makes you seem like you’re only in it for the money and nothing else. It will also hurt the performance of the film. Clearly you nor her learned this lesson from Ghost in the Shell. She…
She seems oblivious to the fact the same people she's snapping at, will need to see the movie for it to turn a profit......
She’s being ridiculous, promoting the film is a part of her job. Especially if it’s an independent film like Preious was. Indie films need more love because they aren’t backed by multi-million dollar budgets.....
That's probably code for she said no to him.....
Give them a few more false calls. They’ll pass some legislation in Congress...
He hasn't seem the boy since December and he had to be threatened with a lawyer to pay for him....not exactly the best example of support.