Violet Baudelaire

It’s not simple at all! And meditation is kind of like any other physical activity - you’re supposed to suck at it at first. It’s supposed to feel hard and it’s supposed to feel like you’re bad at it and not necessarily that enjoyable, the same way that it’s hard to run even a mile when you start. And even after

Honestly, maybe the problem is that we are thinking of this as something ANYONE has a “right” to, rather than framing the conversation something like:

Honestly, the important thing is not whether or not we are peasants, but whether or not we’ve fully accepted that there’s nothing wrong with being a peasant and that a peasant is just as good as any other artificially created caste of people.

What you’re saying is exactly the entire point of my comment; that we SHOULD be reacting like that to things like cigarettes. Because we have under-reacted in the past (and now), the reasonable reactions seem overboard to us instead of appropriate.  

Ooh this is an excellent point!

Honestly, the reaction to the Vape “panic” is a legitimate and reasonable reaction - something is shown to be correlated to making a bunch of people sick, and places decide to stop selling it until more information is known. That is a very sane reaction.

Urgent Care isn’t a specific place, its a generic term, like Emergency Room. It’s basically a limited capability ER for when you need to see a doctor quickly but it isn’t an emergency. Oprah’s illness is a great example - not sick enough to need an ER, but sick enough that you don’t want to wait a few days to get an


Honestly if hes that old and has never learned how to do a treadmill or figured it out, what on earth can you tell him? I feel like he would not be super open to hearing feedback because it sounds like he does what he thinks is right and the right way to do it even when that way makes absolutely no sense.  But it’s

1) Do not talk on your cell phone or chat loudly with people. It’s so distracting and frustrating to hear someone stop to take a call or loudly chat with the person next to them. If you have enough breath to carry on a full conversation are you even freaking working out at that point**? Step out of the room to have a

Naw. It’s super human and normal to care about and be interested in other people, and to both live vicariously while watching and absorbing information that could be applied to our own lives. We do this all the time - books, movies, stories - and celebrities are arguably fictional characters to us, even if that is

For Christ sake, this is the most reductionist obituary of someone who was truly great that I’ve ever seen.

As per usual, when they say unity they mean “white unity and all the colored people knowing their place.”

From a bartender perspective I can tell you it really varies how I’d do free drinks to business people. Because you have two types -the type that have expense accounts where they can tip you how much they want and they tip great because its not their money, or the type of expense account where the business has a firm

This is the only time I’ve ever heard of it happening and that is an atrocious policy!

Buying drinks (that you then drink) and tipping well on them is... not overpaying lol

It’s the most biased study about going to bed since Christian Grey. 

It’s the most biased study about going to bed since Christian Grey. 

I hate to be the one to break it to you but your parents definitely know the word fuck.

I hate to be the one to break it to you but your parents definitely know the word fuck.

I’m always going to vote Sleeping Bear because I love it, but Glen Arbor is a precious town and so are Leland and Suttons Bay and Empire. If you do Glen Arbor I’d go to Cherry Republic and Art’s Tavern.  It’s also worth a drive up to Old Mission Peninsula on the other side of the bay. Sleeping Bear has better odds for

It’s unfair to equate it as prioritizing the support animal over human passengers - because the support animal is in theory, there to support a human passenger. You can’t impact the support animal without impacting the person they are there to protect.