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    ahahah no... plenty of chinless people. what an ignorant comment.

    No, the lady handled it right. You, on the other hand, would have made it a mess.

    You do? That’s so pathetic.

    Then you wouldnt be doing your job and your self-absorbed ass would be unemployed. Journalism is not for the softskinned, if you can be controlled by others words, then you are too weak minded for that job.

    ok, list these “plenty” - go ahead.

    What is she, a young child? No? Then she’s an adult, she doesn’t need protection. Talk about treating minories like children, that is so degrading.

    Don’t be helpful to a racist, makes you as bad as him.

    By you using the term cracker, you just proved that you are his equal, a racist. Look in the mirror and you will see a racist looking at you.

    actually, no threats were made. He never claimed he would do the killing or burning, he just said it could happen. No court would find a threat in thre. So free speech applies here. So all you’ve done, with this post, is mock free speech. wow. You cant defeat hate by being a jackass.

    A swing and a miss. Almost had humor in it but you didnt actually say anything funny.

    Yeah, we should all have 1 point of view and never ever let a different perspective be known... Some people are just too weak to handle a different opinion, which is not only pathetic, but about as unamerican as it gets. How about this, if you’re too much of a baby to want to see all sides then how about you don’t

    And people don’t what you think either. However if you’re going to publicly voice a racist comment (police black people’s reactions) then you open the conversation up, so if you don’t want a conversation then keep your racist b.s. to yourself.

    hahahaha whatever helps you sleep at night, cover them ears and go la la la la la to drown out reality. A 10 minute research on google and you will find the BLM is indeed a hate group due to tons of racist anti-white comments they constantly shout out at the rallies (especially the early blm.) Whether you like it or

    Pandering to black racism isn’t a solution to pandering to white racism. Black Lives Matter is just as racist as the KKK, so no, giving two hate groups equal air time is overkill. One hate group at a time please.

    They need to fire her immature ass. It’s not a freakin playground, it’s a place of business, she’s acting like some 13 year old.

    reboot, graphically remade

    you have no idea how wrong you are. Ive been playing ffxi since launch and never stopped, the game is 1000 times better now. the lvl75 cap was so pointless and with Trusts and Mounts the game has completely turned around, sooooooo much better than before. No more waiting 4-5 hours to setup a group of 18 people to do 5

    She’s a feminist, she deserved her fate.

    Poor woman? She’s a feminist, which is as bad as being a racist (probably much worse than that.) Good for Nintendo, in honor of their wise decision I will buy a non-used Wii U game in gamestop tonight. If only we could treat feminist like they used to treat witches a few hundred years ago...

    I guess there’s no reason to watch anything new that you put out then. Enjoy the slow decline of viewers until people forget that you even existed. It was bound to happen since sagging was most likely kicking in. (I can see all the sissy white knights coming to your aid, claiming they will still support what you put