Snarkastic Android

How else do you get people to believe? People won't send their advisors north as they're needed in court, and even the maesters won't listen to someone telling them to their face that it's real because they can't believe it. It's a desperate plan, but since the attempt to send a hand tot he capital failed, it's not

1 part boy scouts to 3 parts penal colony? A place to dump convicts and unwanted kids of the great houses

I used to have that, but I'm slowly indoctrinating my nephew! Even worse, I might be turning my sister-in-law in to a snob as she doesn't like the 'classics' like Clue and Monopoly anymore…

Empowered. A graphic novel series about a superheroine with confidence and body issues, who hates being tied up and objectified, but frequently gets tied up having started out as a series because the writer/artist got bored of requests for drawing superheroines in bondage. Yet somehow it's a superhero series that is

It feels like Littlefinger underestimating Arya - He knows she is a little wild, but she doesn't know about the Faceless Man tricks she has up her sleeves (which seems to include bits of mind-reading to go with the disguise). I kind of hope this keeps going for a bit as the question on who is trapping who could be fun

True, but it just doesn't feel like a writers work - it wouldn't have been shot on location, but quite possible something that the director or second unit came up with and did independently. It jars badly with logic whoever is responsible!

may not have been a script thing - it feels like a director's idea of a visual more than an idea of a writer, but yes, it's a somewhat unlikely precipice that you could get lost in that depth that close to the water's edge

What I love is the pride they have in telling people. I get why, but it still amuses me for the sheer incongruity of people enjoying their own ignition!

This is the one nerdy argument to rule them all…

She was definitely the much more interesting character in the film. Dredd is a force of nature, but character wise that gets a bit dull

I reckon both Cersei and Littlefinger will be dead by the end of the next season, and one dies this season, but not sure which one it is…

I can't see that being true - if it was written somewhere, it would be odd that no-one knew it. Not Varys, Littlefinger, none of the Maesters (surely Pycell would have used the information at least). It's the kind of thing that would have spread quickly as gossip. If it comes from a source that isn't Bran, it can only

They do, but they usually mix in words like "… writing for the…"

Also curious about if they count Ellaria - the actress has said that she doesn't die on screen so does this count as her death if she never reappears? Making her watch her daughter rot is maybe the most sadistic death on the show too…

Keisha Castle-Hughes is no slouch either and what she had to work with was even worse! The amount of time and talent that has been wasted on Dorne with such a small amount of pay-off…

My money is on the crumbling books and scrolls will be mostly about the white-walkers? The
Archmaester clearly respects Sam, but knows he is single minded. He can
symbolically punish Sam by giving him a mundane task, whilst giving Sam
what he most wants, and also helping to preserve a store of knowledge
that most of

Why do I get the feeling that the crumbling books and scrolls that Sam
has been asked to transcribe will be mostly about the white-walkers? The
Archmaester clearly respects Sam, but knows he is single minded. He can
symbolically punish Sam by giving him a mundane task, whilst giving Sam
what he most wants, and also

Why do I get the feeling that the crumbling books and scrolls that Sam has been asked to transcribe will be mostly about the white-walkers? The Archmaester clearly respects Sam, but knows he is single minded. He can symbolically punish Sam by giving him a mundane task, whilst giving Sam what he most wants, and also

I kind of wondered if he was deliberately reminding her of Littlefinger (imitating dialogue of his about seeing all possibilities), and of what she has suffered because of him, but the loss of humanity angle works too - it's possible that the scene will read differently by the end of the series

Jon isn't fireproof - his hand was burned slightly dealing with wights in the first season, whereas Dany could hold the metal of a burning brazier