
“And I an excited to introduce to you... truly a special person here people... my new racial equality advisor David Clarke.”

He isn’t human. He is garbage. A pile of shit. He she be executed with hesitation, consideration, or mercy. The fucker is worth less than compost and it should be a considered a fucking honor a bullet would be wasted on his useless brain.

Take your fucking star.

“If you tell anyone I’m hitting raping you, I’ll call immigration on your mother,”

We are the best species out there tho. I mean, Giant Panda’s don’t even have a law pertaining to domestic abuse. At least we have a law.

Sadly Republicans think that a hard working mother (legally married to a US citizen and thus entitled to a permanent residecy) is less valuable than this scumbag

And yet they constantly spout about how “God is Great.”

It is so sadly predictable how republican fascist cowards can always find a new way to demonize and then brutalize the powerless.

I think we liberals some time navel gave and criticize too much. I totally understand her and I do believe she is doing her part of the job to make it easier for future generations. I have a foreign last name and I could have taken a WASP last name from my husband but I decided not to even though I am fully aware of


The movie is called Bronson. And boy is it an odd one.

But does it work?

There are impersonators on many sides. Many sides.

“He was hated every day at the WH, now he’s around people who like him.”

Right? And a number of those Whole Foods serve a lot of not so fancy people. Jeeze.

Nothing says “I’m not smug” like calling somebody smug for shopping at a grocery store.

Eh. I liked seeing his butt. It’s a nice butt.

You sound like an expert on people who are stupidly proud. So I’ll just point out that you are choosing a moment of national crisis to be a dick about your fellow Americans who are in danger and suffering. Bless your little heart.

It feels good to sit in judgement from a nice, dry place, I guess.

Because the flooding is unprecedented and unpredicted, and this nursing home had never flooded before. I get it is horrifying. But this storm is worse than anything we have had since Galveston at the turn of the last century. And that storm, itself, was probably not as bad as this one. They just didn’t have a sea wall