Skepticism is always good. I wouldn’t assume someone is lying but I also would not assume that they are telling the truth.
Skepticism is always good. I wouldn’t assume someone is lying but I also would not assume that they are telling the truth.
Higher than they were, clearly.
okay but at what altitude could a space horse even still reasonably breathe
That last paragraph.
Trying to piece it all together, it looks like he’s being sued for defamation by 6 Sandy Hook families and an FBI agent, a seperate Sandy Hook family for $1 million, a Florida man Jones misidentified as the Parkland shooter, and a man who filmed the vehicle attack that killed Heather Heyer for calling him a “deep…
Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else.
I’ve seen my wife go through an entire can of Febreeze in the minivan after the dog let fly with a particularly nasty fart. It was so hard to drive with all the tears in my eyes. Not only from the Febreeze but from the fact it wasn’t the dog that had gas.
It’s no different when psychotic morons says that “God” told them so, or “God” said it to them.
It seems to me you might be confused with your nostalgia glasses lol, nothing from 1996, heck nothing from 2004 feels the same as any 2018 car while sitting inside. Entry, cabin height space, noise reduction, heat insulation is just way too different.
“And the reason they all look so samey? Fuel efficiency. There is too much aerodynamic drag when things stick out of the car...”
Tell that to all of those dudes who feel the need to have their mirrors stick about six feet off the side of their truck.
That being said, about a month ago, a guy was trying to park his…
Have you sat in a car from 1994 lately? wtf are you smoking.
I will believe in both santa and jesus if that happens.
This is the beginning of the huge smokescreen under which he will resign for “health reasons”. And by “resign” I mean “chicken out so as not to be impeached”.
If he didn’t want to be groped, he shouldn’t have been wearing that hat.
Nah, he’s trying shrink his tax bill. His only loyalty is to his bottom line.
Wow, is it this time of year already? OK, I’ll go: