
Get out of here with your rational thinking. Haha, yeah 90% of the problems people mentioned could be solved with a rope. I camp a couple of times a year, so I am not spending the money on this but it has benefits. A calm lake is a giant smooth surface, which could be much nicer than dense forest or rocky ground.

“I’m not aware of a single major Republican figure who said that Barack Obama was not the legitimate president of the United States,”

It’s all about that clearance rate McNulty.

I’m just telling you how it is, no artifice or bullshit.

“Look at this fat guy over here, I bet he thinks golf is an exercise. I bet that fat son of a bitch eats nothing but fast food and sits on twitter all day cause he can’t get off the toilet. What a waste of humanity.”


We as a society can’t just forever mark someone because of an accusation especially when it goes nowhere.

Dial it down *Dawn* a notch, guys.

I bet his hands are as soft as a Dove....

Dial it down a notch, guys.

This thread is giving me Joy.

It just now Dawned on me what you did there.

Wow, the guy really is in an Ivory tower.

Plus a 76 member board?!?!? Really? Fucking NASA had fewer on their council when they were trying to get to the goddamned moon.

Yeah, it really is too bad that managers don’t have any other option. Literally, all they can do is keep offering the job at minimum wage and deal with whatever under-qualified applicant walks in the door. I mean, they’ll turn off customers, and possibly go out of business, but what choice do they have? Offer higher

If you could tell me what you think about a white woman using ‘Fredo’ to snark about an inept manager, I would appreciate it.

I bet it's some original employees using a shared pseudonym.  That's why "he" can't be found

Never gets old. . . .

Well, it works better if you assume that the dinosaurs aren’t speaking English, but rather this is a crude translation of their language. Think of the way we still use the term “cancer” which has its origins in the greek for “crab” because somebody thought the tumor looked like a crab.