It’s a lot less offensive way of making money then shoving auto-play video’s in someone’s face and then complaining when the ads are blocked.
It’s a lot less offensive way of making money then shoving auto-play video’s in someone’s face and then complaining when the ads are blocked.
Heh, I mentioned it in an earlier deal post. But it got our attention, so ... mission accomplished?
Heh, I mentioned it in an earlier deal post. But it got our attention, so ... mission accomplished?
I don’t know whether I’m more annoyed by the unfunny content, or the fact that he “took to Twitter” to shit it out. Or the fact that it’s being regurgitated here.
They’re obviously all doing it wrong.
And back atcha for getting it👍
“But at the same time, heart rate app Cardiogram was quietly tracking how users reacted to the day’s announcements.”
This is an example of why I do not want facial recognition or biometric tracking. Creepy. Sure, they opted in....this time...
I like:
PWP has some issues with this, as People Without Pulses are unable to express their enjoyment without verbal or visual means. This completely, by all means and technicalities, is complete exclusion of the zombie, ghost, skeleton and vampire demographics.
Don’t insult Waffle House like that
I live my life by one simple rule: if Sarah Huckabee Sanders wouldn’t agree with something I have done, I made the right choice.
Put PB on both slices of bread first to protect it from jelly. You’re welcome.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think those full-length windows are gonna provide much protection.
Some people dig the fact that it’s happening live, and you can interact with the model. If you ask her/him a question and they respond, people dig that. The idea of you can make a request, throw in a tip, and they’ll do it? People get what they want.
That’s what I thought to. Ideally she would have also kicked him right in the dick.
Is it possible the douche with the mic intentionally called the obvious girl a boy because he wanted to insult a kid wearing a hippie-dippy tie-dye t-shirt?
Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?
“I can’t be racist, some of my slaves are half white.” -Thomas Jefferson