

This would not be a good fit for anyone living alone. A major reason I don’t have pets is that I don’t want them to eat my face off when I die and I get the feeling this cat would probably do that if I had the temerity to sleep late and not fill their waterbowl with freshwater first thing in the morning.

i agree in principle, but in practice it sucks if you log on to play a game by yourself and keep getting taken out by other players working together. yes, only one of the players who teamed up is going to win, but teaming defeats the principle of one on one competition.

that said, pickaxe signaling - or any way of

stating the obvious, but lots of things are owned by the government, but that doesn’t mean any one individual has the right to monopolize the thing - nor does it mean any one individual has the right to use a government owned thing whenever they want just because they put a higher priority on their own personal

how would your moving into the white house ‘hurt people’?

i like the intent of the article, but the headline is a bit misleading - I didn’t really see any instructional aspect to the article, you mention the materials you need, but there’s really no ‘how to’ elements here. I mean do you measure the streamers and cut them then tape them ahead of time or cut ahead and hold the

or just buy an ebook and waste less paper/forests.

Not everything is about money. No a trade paperback isn’t going to have any resale value, but it still has reading value. Cutting up a book destroys both.   Try donating your chapterized paperback to a local shelter or senior citizens center.

oh yay! let’s cut down more trees and make photocopies of paper books we already own. seriously? how about just get an ebook reader or save your large books for home reading and take smaller more portable books with you if you need to travel and read? (said as someone who loves paper books but thinks ‘photocopy a

“hack”? all you under 35-somethings need to learn what words mean. now go away, I need to yell at some clouds, at least THEY listen.

Not disputing the general point of your comment, that overnight charging isn’t going to give a full charge on a 30 amp circuit, but 18 mph recharging rate x 24 hours = 432 mile range, so it doesn’t seem like it could take ‘significantly longer than 24 hours’ to recharge a 300 mile range battery. A 30 amp hookup

Taxpayer money goes into building aircraft carriers and building/maintaining the White House, so why don’t you take an aircraft carrier for a joy ride and move into the White House?

“No harm no foul” - yeah, great thinking there. Why don’t try using that the next time you are pulled over in a car you stole while it’s

OK, so why don’t you go take an aircraft carrier for a joy ride? Or move into the White House?


Assumingthe guy is actually trying to be considerate and not just trying to give the appearance of being considerate, NOTHING in the hookup-partner drawer that touches the body to-say-nothing-of things-that-go-IN-the-body (other than cleaning products) should be in anything other single item/use packaging, so the

depends on the school. with 4 years of tuition costing upwards of 250K for a good private school, a million or two isn’t that big of a deal. If you take the USC cost (300K), a mill is just 2 more full cost students.

yeah, even in a school that isn’t as celebrity-infected - when a decently ranked private school costs upwards (sometimes WAY upwards) of $250K for a 4 year degree, $500K isn’t a very big donation.

The skit suit is clearly too tight, apparently even demons have bad tailors.

If Jared is actually a vampire (my personal take) it makes sense that Ivanka’s wardrobe would be designed to prominently show her neck, right?

“I thought everyone used their phones now”? That’s privilege and (my guess) youth or real-world-inexperience talking.

Clearly you’ve never been racing through an airport with your luggage/backpack/coffee/stuff and no hands or time free to check the airport’s map app as you race for your connecting flight.  The info

That’s not the point. If I steal your car overnight while you are asleep and return it before you wake up are you ok with that? If not, why not - was anyone hurt by my stealing your car?

But even if that WERE the point who gets to decide that your selfish interest in playing a game on a larger screen is more valid