
Counterpoint, maybe you could USE a stick - it’s not ok to use other people’s stuff just because you want to.

Time isn’t the relevant factor, it’s not his monitor.   

If I drive by you house and notice your pickup truck parked in the driveway not being used, are you ok with me just taking it for a ride to run some errands? Cause I’ve got some furniture I need to move and your truck isn’t being used for ‘anything of value’.

I have a 50+ mile M-F commute and live where it rains some of the time and winter can include below freezing temps one and off for a few months. If - as a lot of EV owners claim, range in those conditions can be 50-60% of claimed range, then only the Kia and Tesla have enough range for me to not have to worry on

I suspect if driver/passenger survival were a very high priority, this vehicle wouldn’t currently be in Michigan.

Pretty sure if Bloomberg doesn’t actually deliver on the guac promise he could be sued.  Not that it would matter, given his wealth, but maybe if we all ask for guac and file a class-action lawsuit?

I’ve always given this possibility as the primary reason why anyone who lives alone should not own pets. 

If the school doesn’t expel kids for having Lisa Frank merch, then they are gross (im)moral hypocrites.     haha, just kidding, anyone who would expel a kid from school because their cake is rainbow-themed is clearly insane.

i hope everything trump has done will stick to him like crazy glue for the rest of his life, including all the events he has sanctioned leading up to an including the whole Ukraine debacle, but objectively, a handwritten note on a napkin by a shady operative saying that a 2nd person’s actions are approved by a 3rd

to be fair, most of them never have the benefit of living a normal life where you have to interact and learn to relate to people who aren’t in the same business/social-strata/world.

There’s a lot of ‘what to do if you are arrested’ advice articles online, and the one thing they all agree on is do NOT answer any questions/talk to police without your lawyer present.

Not talking is the simplest course of action because if you don’t talk to police, you don’t have to wonder whether they are telling

I treat police the same as anyone else I don’t know who tells me something. I don’t assume they are lying, but I also don’t assume they are telling the truth. My world view isn’t overly detailed or complicated, but it doesn’t allow for sweeping generalities like “people always tell the truth” or “police always lie”.

So your advice is “If you don’t like decisions the developers make then don’t buy the games, and their bottomline will suffer and they will make different decisions, but don’t say anything publicly about why you don’t agree with their decisions?” Because I guess you think companies will magically know why people

In a perfect world, yes, but if the company goes under, someone is going to buy up the company’s assets - which would include all the vehicles being rented. Don’t know if whoever picks up the pieces could legally change the terms of the lease, but I am sure they would if it’s legal.

(if you meant your comment as a

To be realistic, pretty much every religious organization ever have been (and in m any cases continues to be ) on the wrong side of history on many important issues.

(yes, of course there are exceptions, some organizations do better than others, blah blah blah, don’t @ me) 

Thanks. While I was aware of the potential humor value of my comment, as someone who has family members who forage in the woods for edible things (mushrooms mostly), I am also aware of how knowing the properties of what you choose to eat can literally be the difference between life and death (or really painful

they haven’t been defaced yet?  NYC isn’t what it used to be.

Weinstein deserves to be drained completely dry (including of bodily fluids), but the recent settlement against him is being paid by his (previous) company’s insurance.

but as was pointed out by an earlier commenter, this $100K payment isn’t the result of a settlement or a decision by the court on his guilt or innocence of the case, this is JUST because he disobeyed a court order (or several) RELATED to ONE of the many, many slander cases he is currently involved in (or facing).


“If you’re debating whether to eat these berries versus those berries, you’re wasting your time.”

If your debating is in the context of a grocery store, I agree - but if the context is you walking through the woods and discovering berries, the importance of considering which (if either) of two kinds of berries to eat