
The comments so far are hiliarious—did this story get picked up by a sovereign citizen’s reddit? So long as the so-called market cap was too small to affect the larger economy, regulators looked the other way. That is very quickly changing. If you didn’t sell in December, expecting bitcoin to hit $100,000, you’ve made

Because ignorance of the law doesn’t shield you from it.

Re: the tale of the tape: you can’t measure length like that in two dimensions. It’s called diminishing perspective. The leg is clearly bent at the knee, and is probably also pointed at a slight angle towards the camera. He’s a creep, but let’s stick to the ample supply of solid evidence.

I hate to be that guy, too, but modern vinyl is an empty affectation, a pose. Most albums today are recorded on digital equipment, meaning that you’re not actually enjoying getting any additional texture or warmth, just unnecessary static and reduced convenience. Buy the CD. I grew up with vinyl, and I don’t miss it