
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

by the actions of a few

I especially love that the rescue took the dog back from her. I guarantee you, this woman is the type of Karen who takes her dog into normally dog-free areas, and when people ask her to leave because it’s not a licenced service animal, she snaps back that “Don’t you know he’s a rescue? He’ll feel abandoned and have a

People are mean to me and I can’t play properly.”

When I first started playing Apex Legends, the ping system that made it so I didn’t have to use voice chat in order to communicate pertinent, relevant information felt downright revolutionary, because voice chat for the longest time has been the domain of every dipshit who thinks anonymity gives them the right to

I knew something was up the second I saw the standard circus of reactionary youtube gamer chuds all targeting one single person with a laser focus. Like, that’s your immediate clue to know whatever “anger” going on is entirely performative and in bad faith.  

They found their target of the month—and a woman too, how

That’s almost definitely what would happen, because it’s exactly what happened with HOTS. They realized their esports league for that was bleeding money, so they abandoned the entire game.

What you’re doing here is the equivalent of telling people who are playing kickball that you’re only interested in baseball.

Excellent question. If only someone might patiently explain it to you in roughly 2,100 words or so.

If only...

“It’s unclear!” they all cry, ignoring the part about them being able to ban you for off stream and social media incidents that could include harassing or using rhetoric that is against protected groups.

Oh ffs, even here I can’t get away from this bullshit “GDQ is full of *drama*” narrative?

I feel like anyone involved with anti-terf rhetoric or just progressive rhetoric in general would not use the word “feminazi” by any measure. It’s possible it’s just a miscommunication, but it does create immediate red flags.

That’s like black person proclaiming how much they hate race-baiting. Could be innocent, but

I don’t want to antagonize you or start an argument, but your second paragraph completely answers 100% of the things you said you don’t get/understand.

Suddenly it’s “PC” to not talk about your butthole in a public, sponsored setting.

Don’t we already have four Uncharted films? :P

Gee, I’m so sorry. It’s crazy that people like me care to point out silly things like companies participating in the suppression of dissent against an authoritarian government during a massive crackdown on millions of people wanting nothing more than democracy and personal freedom.

Announcing that they’re revoking Blitzchung’s suspension would be a good start towards showing actual remorse.

Notwithstanding that, doesn’t that make it pretty obvious that then perhaps Blizzard should have reacted in a different way?

Good on these young folks for having the courage of their convictions; too many pay lip service to the idea of being engaged, but never do a damned thing apart from hashtagging a popular idea.

Seriously, hell of a lot of respect for these people.

Also, because it cannot be said often enough, Fuck Blizzard in this

seven is WAAAAYYY more than just One Winged Angel, bruh.