
I'm having trouble figuring out what Daniels meant by that....I guess since he's a writer he did that intentionally.

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully, you'll find a place that doesn't care so much about banal office banter :/ . I've never been fired or reprimanded for being more introverted, but it inevitably comes up on my yearly reviews.

Probably varies from place to place as well.

does that mean nor hiring someone who is an asshole or going out of your way to hire someone with the same interest and personality type?

For some, gadgets and fancy workout clothes are motivators because they hate exercise. I personally, despise working out and I've been going to the gym at least 3x a week for the last 3 years.

I thought she was great on 30 rock and I'm not going to stop seeing her films or anything.... But I still think what she didn't isn't worth praise. She just seems rude and offended people weren't kissing her asss.

Um, interacting with the general public is part of being a celebrity. This wasn't even a situation where she was at the grocery store or something, she's at a promotional event trying to get people to buy tickets to her movie. She could've done what I guess they all do and sign a couple autographs and waved and walked

No, but she could've done what I assume most celebrities do at those kind of things and just wave and walk away when she's signed however many autographs is appropriate. Realistically, people who go to those things know that there's a chance they won't actually get a photo or what have you, and they did act spoiled.

Oh no, she doesn't want to do something that's part of her job description. She doesn't have to be sunshine and rainbows 24.7, but a film premiere is a pretty standard place to act like sunshine and rainbows when part of the job is promoting a movie and interacting with fans.

Franzen is a medium talent, I thought "Freedom" was excellent but his other stuff was meh.

I think the absurdity is just part of it—you have to suspend your disbelief for it. Kind of like "It's Always Sunny".

I strongly dislike chocolate + coffee deserts, yes.

Counterpoint to "it's gross": Some people like the taste of things more than others.

This is even worse than being involved in the Twilight franchise. Hopefully, master PR people will be able to "do something" with their careers after this shitshow. I think not trying to take themselves too seriously is a start...

When I watched this show as a pre-teen in the 90s, I really never thought ANYBODY would still be talking about it 20 years later.

Despite this study, I know plenty of people who refuse anything overly spicy (and we all have to accommodate the person with the lowest spice-threshold when eating out and doing family style).

I was confused as to whether anti vax was a "liberal" thing or a Republican thing with Rand Paul and Chris Christie's recent comments. I feel like the Republicans weren't quite sure what their constituents wanted to hear them say so they've been going back and forth (plus, there's the knee-jerk inclination to disagree

I dunno. I suppose different others protect their "legacies" more than others. I feel like amount of time since the person's death should mean something. Shakespeare's legacy is set. Nothing is going to change that now, so I don't think there's any harm in releasing whatever people find from him.

The dot tool looks like something you'd use to take drugs. That's all I got.