
It's something that's very common in non-waspy cultures. I'm hispanic, and it's accepted that grandparents help raise the grandchildren. In turn, the children are expected to help the parents in their old age and not dump them off at a nursing home at the first opportunity.

Having to buy the special shoes to soulcycle=dumb.

It's a tech company. A lot of the stereotypes are true: re casual work attire. Some of the guys in the office even wear basketball shorts in the summer and no one said anything.

Noooope, I used to when I first got out of school but I work in a more relaxed office environment now. I wear combat boots :D

This reminds me of when I was a kid and put doritos in my bologna & cheese on white bread sandwiches. So good!

I will miss their "ironic" t-shirts.

I have no problem with Noah leaving Beth behind. He gave her pretty much every advantage and Beth only got left behind because she stupidly was trying to shoot at all of the walkers instead of running.

Thanks for being the person who first got me into reading! I devoured your books when I was 10, read about one a week for years.

K, So I was upset when it turned out that Samantha Bee wasn't going to be taking over Colbert's spot. This makes up for it since it appears she wanted to do something different.

Yeah, I think she just met someone who she probably had a crush on from afar for a long time and let her hormones get in the way. People make mistakes, and now she knows she isn't ready to act like a stepmom.

Yeah, thankfully he just sort of shook his head and kept walking...a little further up the road was building I was walking into so we thankfully parted ways.

I was walking in an unfamiliar city last week and got a "you're beautiful" or something and I continued walking, not paying him any attention. Somehow, he managed to get in front of me a few blocks up the street and there was no one else on that particular block.

Maybe he has a twin brother.

I'd like someone to make some sort of family tree with celebrities + their friends.

I'd love to see Jlaw date James Franco so she can tell him to go fuck himself.

I'd say it depends on how likely it is that this person will offend again, and part of that being looking at the initial nature of what they did.

Their kid is just adorbs, too. They're slowly growing on me, so whatever PR person they have now is doing quite a good job.

My first thought was that she looks like Lisa Bonet. Then I googled her and felt like an idiot :D

So is SHE basic?

It's amazingly good, and I bought it just with the intent of drinking something Harry Potter related.