The Meussen panel truck is something I'd drive today and every day!
The Meussen panel truck is something I'd drive today and every day!
I can only wish I had this level of skill....and in the real world, I'd shoot the hell out of it!
SSeattle and PDX both... former Seattle resident...
“A fool and his money, etc..."...
At 6'4", that was my problem as well when I set in one...
A friend of mine had a 968 cab in a rose metallic color that was gorgeous. And it was a blast to drive...
Love my SL... yeah, some of the stuff is witchcraft - the cruise control module comes to mind, but it’s solidly built, good looking, a great long distance car that just eats up the miles. Parts are reasonable, and maintenance is straightforward. Cam chain is the one to take care of it it hasn't been done already. Take…
This^^^ I've got an 85 Corvette, an 85 Mercedes 380SL, a 95 XJ, and a 2001 F150 4x4. The Ford has 200k miles on it, and the others are between 120-140k miles. Do all my own work on them, and better yet, no car payments.
The answer to the question nobody is asking....
I really liked this book. Thought it was a great insight into the F1 life. I'd also recommend John Barnard's "The Perfect Car".
In some ways it might even be better without those two. They got most of the ink last year anyway. Now we should get more in depth stuff about the rest of the teams.
I’d daily the crap out of this...but I can’t because California and silly ass smog laws :(
I was working in an industrial park just off the west end of the runway that day. None of my coworkers were old enough to remember the sonic booms we got all around San Diego back in the 60's..
Good point, if your car actually makes noise when it's running...
Cars of the CanAm were the best cars...
Damn... just like in the movies. Maybe Hollywood has been telling the truth all along?🤔
I’d like the old design with the new interior. There’s something simple and unadorned about the first gen TT.
Can’t unsee now... thanks...