AeroSport Photography

Whitten drives his cars. Matter of fact, he used to vintage race several of his cars. Know this because I’ve shot them on track...

When I saw the words customized 300 SL, my first thought was who could do such a thing to a car that valuable, But after reading the article, and assuming that it was done years ago before the value went sky high, and looking at the photos, that was a well done job. I think the slight top chop makes for a nice looking

Great story Alanis! Thank you.

The Bluebird and the Skyline were built by an acquaintance of mine out in the Pacific Northwest...

Read this just the other day after finishing Adrian Newey’s book. Lord what a contrast between how it’s done now and how racing and car development was done back in the day...Didn’t know much about Donahue in depth, but it was a fascinating read... And you’ll love Go Like Hell!

Damn! That was a helluva story. Thank you.

In Washington they use the VIN, and I’m assuming it’s still on the body. And anything over 25 years old is smog exempt.

Buddy of mine has a 2005 GT with about 135k miles on it. That car gets driven everywhere. And God is it fun to drive...

Ran when parked...

You going to Portland for IndyCar?

That’s always been an issue when you shoot at the same tracks over and over. I do like the TV camera platform in the fountain turn (that’s me in the pink do-rag). Haven’t tried the the inside of 7 shooting down the backstretch yet.

Nice work. Spotted myself in a one of the shots. I was shooting as well - Kurt used a couple of spots I hadn’t considered. Now I’ll know for next year. Here’s one of my favorites- Alex Gurney taking the tribute lap to his father Dan in the Jorgensen Eagle F5000:

But a good excuse to buy more tools...

Signed the waiver, but missed the riders meeting. Sorry, shouldn’t have been allowed on track. The meetings are done for a reason. Used to race, now a motorsports photographer. Sign waivers all the time, but if I miss the photographers safety briefing I don’t get to shoot...

This is a real Auto-Union V16. It’s a vertically mounted supercharger.

I figured it would be pretty sketchy when the Friday practice was on the TV schedule, but they showed some panel sports discussion. All in all, the broadcast was crap....

I REALLY niss my 89... Now ex-wife said we had to get something more practical... something with 4 doors, etc... a Dodge Durango FFS... I need to build another one...

They simply walked in to Mordor?

I go back and forth on Keselowski, but he’s really good in the broadcast booth when he does the occasional race.