
The question is, why the fuck is Border Patrol listening to a guy like this? He is clearly in need of some kind of help, but they just take him at his word when he claims that he someone is in the country illegally.

I’ve heard of an island that’s pretty cool...

I think that the real lesson here is that old white men should probably not say things in public.

My intense hatred for Megyn Kelly felt irrational until I saw John Oliver’s clips over her on Sunday and then I felt fully justified and pleased with my visceral disgust.

“I wish it would all just go away,” said Kathie Lee clueless white people.

Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.

The title is wrong. The Marine Corps is getting their first-ever woman INFANTRY officer. They’ve had women officers for quite some time now.

You do have a very strong self selection bias going on here. It would be like if you were looking for the prevalence of Alzheimers in a given population and only examined people you already thought had it. Basically they need more brains from people who don’t show any signs to see what the true rate is. It might be

That’s not statistics.

I want him standing atop a pile of ashes and skulls, clad only in a loincloth woven from his unworthy foe’s toupee.

Why is she so intense about watching movies? I’m not sure even a Xanax and wine cocktail could loosen her up.

Here, this is everything.

Chuck Bass. Chuck Fucking Bass. So worthy of scorn for being a disgusting creep. And that dumb haircut and scarf look he started with did not make him attractive. So he was an unattractive disgusting creep. AND YET, by the end of the series I was in love with him and he made me want to rip my clothes off.

Blair Waldorf, the best character 

I know people are trying to compare this situation to the one[s] that lead up to the firing of Curt Schilling. They claim that ESPN isn’t being consistent with discipline but Schilling made controversial statements multiple times and when he was told not to cross the line again, he went and did so anyway. ESPN

She made a *statement of fact.*

Howard Taft really got the short end of the stick history-wise. He was an incredibly intelligent, diligent, and ethical man who only really ever wanted to be a judge (but his wife and Teddy Roosevelt wanted bigger things for him, hence running for president). He’s also the only person to have lead two branches of the

Stories like this are the reason I get livid when people get snotty about women’s pay and advancement equity by snooting that women just always happen to “choose” to stop working to raise children, as though the odds aren’t overwhelmingly stacked against us.

Have you ever tried to work with people that are ‘working’ from home when their kids are present? How about conference calls when someone’s toddler is actively sitting on their lap and basically talking into the mic? I don’t think this is a solution.

In Alabama, where I live, we are trying to close an immigration detention center, the building does not even have windows and the people who are there are barely eating.