
Don't care. Still excited as all get out. If it's even half as egregious as Reign, I'll consider it a historic success. -Signed, a historian


What is the point?! I love Mel & Sue.

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Now that Sue Perkins is free, can they make series three of Supersizers?

It IS hard to tell if it's bad tailoring or the fact that Ben Affleck is shaped like a potato.

This movie has a family tie to me because my father gave some historical advice for the Florida section in the book to Dennis Lehane. As a reward, Lehane partly named a murdered mobster in the book after my dad, so I hope I can see my dad’s namesake get killed onscreen.

Here’s a more interesting plot for a horror movie; a nation beset with a generation of judges who give rapists a slap on the wrist because ‘boys will be boys’. Yeah. Complete disregard for the law as written. We could even have the cops treat rape victims like perpetrators and ask them what they could have done to

Or January Jones!

Ummmmm no. If they MUST cast a 34 year old blonde as Serena Joy, there is only one possible choice:

Maybe this implies that toddler boys aren’t even capable of being Ghostbusters? They can just, like, wear the merch and be the Drake to somebody else’s Rihanna. But little girls can totally grow up to actually be a Ghostbuster.

As an alum, I want to be clear. The campus isn’t allowing anything. The state lege is and the campus has fought it all along but as a state school, has run out of options to prevent it. Profs have resigned over it.

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I know this theme has been tackled in art quite a bit but I’m really looking forward to this showing up on Netflix.

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I might even be so bold as to say that he stole large chunks of the movie away from the ladies.

“I never wear cut offs; why do I keep waking up in cut offs?” This had me dying. Good question Hulk, good question.

Yep. Just about a year ago I was talking with co-workers about the “freshman 15" and I said I had gained weight in early college and then by the time I was in my last year I did this diet where I only drank an ensure shake once a day and a bag of chips from the vending machine. And this guy was like “So you had an

Family attorney and I can confirm this. I am slammed from March until around mid October and then I have next to nothing to do Nov-Feb bc people are holding out for the holidays to end. Its a nice time to be slow with work, though.

Besame Cosmetics Victory Red

Besame Cosmetics Victory Red

Lady Ghostbusters was fucking great and....dare I say...better than the original, so all these naysayers need to STFU. Either see it and have a legitimate critique or find something else to do. And I don’t think the hook was intended to be so much, “now with women” as “now with these women,” but I’m not sure how to

I don’t really have a horse in the race for the Ocean’s reboot because I don’t care about those movies at all but I am SO MAD about what happened with Ghostbusters. I saw it twice in the theatres. I LOVED it. I plan to buy it and maybe even pay to see it again in the theatres before it’s gone! I am filled with so much