I know this is unrelated but can we get a write up on the KVD vs Jefree Star drama that is my life today? Cause it really and truly is so juicy.
I know this is unrelated but can we get a write up on the KVD vs Jefree Star drama that is my life today? Cause it really and truly is so juicy.
I took my husband to see the movie. I didn’t like the trailer and my husband didn’t watch the trailer because he didn’t want to dread the movie....We laughed so hard OMG it was joke after joke after joke but they were allfunny jokes and the women are amazingly funny! My husband came out and said: how can anyone hate…
My offering of acceptable RNC press attire:
I loosely know Olivia Munn through a very dear friend (who she and Aaron are now estranged from) and she periodically goes on tears and blacklists everyone. I don’t know if she has actual mental health issues or is just a raging ass, but Aaron is pretty much estranged from everyone in his life. I was on a big group…
Chase is a friend of my friend’s husband. He was at their wedding a while back aaaand rumor around the room was him selling prescription drugs in the bathroom. Cannot confirm, but I have never got a good vibe from him.
It was really refreshing to come out of the film and realize that 0% of it was filmed for the male gaze.
Me and all my nerd friends went to see it (separately) over the weekend and loved it. It was awesome and your life will be sadder for lacking it. :’(
I saw it twice, and loved it BOTH TIMES. I want to marry Kate McKinnon. Every line she had made me crack up, especially the, “I can think of seven good uses for a cadaver TO-DAY,” exchange.
She was AMAZING.
I loved when Kate McKinnon’s character asked Kristin Wiig’s character how she could stand to wear pointy-toe high heels and Wiig said they’re terribly uncomfortable.
There were also a ton of great Easter eggs. The more I think about it the more I love the movie.
We played hookie from work and saw it this afternoon. I am taking my oldest daughter tomorrow. Not gonna lie, when they were fighting ghosts and the theme played in the background, I got really excited and felt like a kid again. Loved it, and am recommending it to all my friends. Also, will have weird dreams about…
Can I just say that I’m so happy for these ladies but especially for Leslie. This woman has kept me laughing for over 10 years now. I used to watch her on Youtube and never understood why she never made it to the big times. Here she is and she’s doing it well. Stay winning sisterfriend!
Well, if we’re going to do that, why isn’t Tracy the Gorilla given a nod, too, or F Troop’s Larry Storch? By your logic, they’re the REAL Ghost-Busters.
This is the copy I have:
io9 and Kotaku really depress the hell out of me sometimes. I love science fiction, I love video games, and I love comics...but damn if I’m not embarrassed as hell to admit to any of those things after these jackasses get themselves worked into a frenzy after having to see something other than Generic White Man Power…
In tribute to Ms. Linton, I am also announcing my new memoir, recounting the time I sailed up the Congo River to search for a mysterious ivory trader named Kurtz.
Yes, it’s a prime example of Kettle Logic, usually used by five year olds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kettle_lo…