Even if she records with other producers, it’s still his label. Her abuser still profits off her talent.
Even if she records with other producers, it’s still his label. Her abuser still profits off her talent.
My instinct is to do the commercially reasonable thing.
I go to IU, and I know that many people have spoken out for years about his mishandling of cases. He would show favor toward the accused, and there was a lot of victim blaming. He was not a well liked guy.
Where did he get the money to do all of this? That clinic looks huge! That website looks legit! I wish he could have just used his love for medicine in a positive way by - say - getting a medical degree and actually being licensed to practice it.
Speaking as a trans woman, this couldn’t be more true. That’s where we take gender norms to destroy them, and it’s also the main conversion site where we recruit the children. This is a crushing blow against our war on The American Way.
I cringed when I saw the headline. I was prepared for this to be a “Your Fave is Problematic”-style takedown of Bowie, and I honestly wasn’t sure I wanted to read it. I clicked anyhow and was pleasantly surprised.
I was 13-14 in the mid-70s, and I got a lot of attention from grown men. I was thrilled by it. Boys my age either ignored me, barked at me, or called me names. Adult men talked to me like I was a person, admired me, complemented me. At the time, it was bliss, and I felt it made me special. And thanks mainly to a lack…
But why can’t Taylor stand up for herself? I’m sure if it was one of us we would’ve done the same thing up on that stage and maybe not as nicely either.
Fucking good for her. I'd be pissed if some egomaniacal dude was trying to take credit for my massive success too. This is the most I've ever liked Taylor Swift.
* laughing slowly turns to crying *
It’s not just better training required for police officers. We need to stop hiring sociopaths for the job.
I was shit-faced the weekend before I found out I was pregnant. I also had a beer or glass of wine once a week once I was past the halfway mark. My kid is healthy and well-behaved (for a 4 year old...I mean, he’s still a stubborn asshole sometimes...but so are his parents).
Almost every woman I know who has had a baby, planned and unplanned, drank and even did drugs and smoked unintentionally during their first few weeks and every single one of them has healthy children who don’t have FAS. It must say something about my friend group, but I seriously can't think of a single person I know…
I wonder if she still supports him for president...
I’d completely blocked the phase “otherkin” from my memory. Damn. It’s back.
“Oh boy, you got me a NINJA BARBIE?!” “Oh, no, dear, I got you a Kinja Barbie, to reflect a more realistic version of adulthood where you spend 75% of your day trolling comment sections.”
New reports have said that drone operators face enormous levels of stress, guilt, and trauma as a result of their jobs. People who witness their friends — and even their supposed enemies — killed or hurt in the line of battle can be and are still affected.
maybe it would have been nominated if it was a polar bear