
can you really think of 12 people of any ethnic background whore are more interesting than any other people of any other background?

I do understand your illustration above about Vogue, and in a perfect world of equality, the possibility would exist but I think it would be unlikely. There are just too many examples of interesting people across the spectrum of humanity.

buddy, please just shut up, ok? there’s nothing worse than some white person trying to intellectualize their theory of racism, especially when they’ve never experienced it... it’s quite easy for a white person to say “we should all rise above race”, because it’s like a fish saying “well, if these humans would just

it’s a good thing the downtrodden white race has you as its protector...

Neither history, nor equality started when you woke up this morning. There is a history to people’s comments vis a vis representation in mainstream media.

You’re taking issue with us calling out Rolling Stone for putting white women on the cover, and followed that up with a statement on how racism persists because of everyone keeping score all the time. What else was I supposed to get from that?

I wish that people who are so focused on equality would focus more on bringing up the people who are oppressed, and less time focusing on what they think are the special perks of being a minority.

Yes but that’s not what equality means, though. Equality would be putting the black cast members on the cover of a mainstream magazine like, say, Rolling Stone. Instead of only on the cover of a magazine specifically published for and marketed to black women. Even just speaking in terms of magazine covers, when we’ve

somewhere in the corner of the internet where they celebrate white history month, i imagine

All the white kids stood by completely ignored by the cops and all the black/latino/arabic kids got harassed by the cops and this isn’t a racial issue? Explain that to me.

I’m so used to this shit happening on what is now a daily basis that nothing boggles my mind anymore. A black child’s life means nothing to some white folks. The cop could’ve shot every single black teenager in the video and people would be congratulating him and set up a GoFundMe for him, whether he was justified or

Maybe ask white people why we can’t all be people.

I’m glad, but I’m afraid.

Sean Bell’s killers went to trial and walked away.

The fact that we’ve backslid from findings of innocence after a full airing of the facts to simply not bringing charges at all is a REALLY BAD THING. I’m glad Marilyn Mosby had the cojones to flaunt the current status quo but SURELY we can’t

Cops HATE Her! Baltimore Prosecutor Holds People Responsible for Killing a Guy With This One Weird Trick.

Next on Fox News: “Why is President Obama spending so much time pole dancing instead of fighting ISIS? Stay tuned for part five of our 17 part series on why Obama is the worst president in the history of everything.”

Stylist myself. Nothing says “Bitch get out of my chair” quite like Big Bird yellow hair.