Why wouldn’t teams want to take a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot with Westbrook?
Why wouldn’t teams want to take a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot and a low-percentage shot with Westbrook?
Askren also talked a HUGE amount of shit before the fight, he loves being a troll, and for a site that loves to go on about McGregor’s pre-fight antics you managed to leave out Masvidals comments about that right after the section you quoted: “There’s not too many people I’ve disliked, I’ve had over 50 pro fights and…
It was good enough for Jon Voight!
The H-platform LeBaron GTS with its 150hp turbo engine had a solid 50% more under the hood than the base E30 or E28 of the day, & other than being FWD (which most consumers preferred anyway) was mostly comparable to either series of BMW.
Piers is seldom not the biggest cunt of the day.
I still cannot comprehend England having Steph Houghton take that penalty despite Ellen White constantly proving herself the most lethal finisher in the tournament. Like I get it, Houghton is the captain, but she is also a defensive player who did such a bad job at it that I can’t even call the save heroic. That…
I kind of felt this was going to happen since that first track seemed more produced than anything from S-K’s previous catalog. Oh, well. Let’s all remember how awesome Janet’s percussion was with a showcase, yeah?
Everyone thinks their regional bbq is the best.
Split pea hell yeah at least someone else here knows what’s up!
I think the USWNT should send Hope Solo to the White House as the team’s representative. She’d probably knock some sense into that orange goblin.
Honestly, I don’t know where to start. Maybe my expectations were too high. But soup is my fucking life and these choices make me hotter with rage than the fire of a thousand suns. What about pho, borscht, tom kha gai, beef stew, wonton, dill pickle, split pea, italian wedding, caldo verde, ramen?! I love fantasy food…
In the history of the Takeout Draft, I have never before seen anyone lose a draft on the first pick.
Depends. Flying American from Chicago to Peru a few years back, I got the pop-up “Would you like to upgrade to business class for $300/ticket round trip?” Uh...Fuck yes! The cost difference isn’t as big as it used to be, especially if you add in maybe paying for extra leg room and checked bags.
I’m looking at business class from US to Italy/Portugal and will gladly pay the extra grand or two for the upgrade.
That’s correct. One SCENE characters only. Of which the clear winner is...
Where the hell is Darkwing?
All time top 5 Ducks:
It's the weird way he says it that gets me.