
It is the year 2020, and this is one of the dumbest comments I’ve read on the internet this year. That is a high bar to clear, and you my friend, have done it.

It was so dumb I recovered my password to make this comment.

Your screenname only adds to the hilarity. 

Isn’t that what negotiating is - you set the price, I counter-offer, then we meet in the middle? If my price was too low, let’s begin the negotiation process!

As someone who is a sales professional (not in autos) I know this type. You were very diplomatic in your reply, Tom. I would have been a little more direct.

I really enjoyed this, Patrick, and all the work you’ve put in these years. Thank you and best of luck.

I especially enjoyed reading this bittersweet goodbye while scrolling past several intrusive banner ads.

Jalopnik is dead. Long live Jalopnik.


Now I’m actually trying to think of an instance of a landspeeder with a top...but everything I keep coming up with (like Zam Wessel’s speeder that Anakin jumps on the top of in Episode II) are actually airspeeders.

This is a good listen. Thanks to you, Kristen and Stef (as well as the others) for sharing all of your experiences. I hope people take notice as this is not something a lot of folks want to hear, or guys automatically assume they are not doing some of these things (but perhaps are) without even knowing it. It will

Adam Silver just looks more and more like Nosferatuby the day.

Too many onions on this Coney story, making me misty. Thanks for sharing memories of your father, sounds a lot like my old man (also born and raised Michigander) - makes friends everywhere he goes.

Totally agreed re: Beaches. I was walking over to Less Than Jake and got totally sidetracked by them and ended up staying for half of their set.

Good to know, will be sure to look! Thanks.

Is there any way for us cord cutters to watch reliably? I’ve found that the NBCSN only sporadically uploads things to their app. 

Or the fans losing but, you know, whatever. 

Now I’ll need a torta for dinner.

I’d say yes, there is room for a lot of personal stories like this one. Global conflict sets the stage for a lot of other drama to play out.

What we don’t need is more dreck like the upcoming “Midway.”

Sam Smith the automotive journalist founded a racing team? Man, Travis must be paying them the big bucks over at Road & Track!!!

*Schmidt in 3rd graph

But the Punisher!

This would not surprise me in the least. When the AI takes over and we have to flee.

It is peanuts. Rich fanbois throwing him cash so fanbois like you can defend Elon online, and thus the circle jerk of life is complete.

That seems like peanuts? Maybe enough to make some more falme throwers and whip the fanbois in to a frenzy, but this is an insignificant amount of money for a company that is saying it will complete multi-billion dollar projects.