Vincenzo Politi


I actually liked this episode a lot. It was funny and the new kids are so refreshing! I was so tired with all the soap-operatic drama with the old people, which culminated in the unbearable wedding episode. Truly atrocious. But this episode looked to me like the "old Glee" with new, fresher people. It's a shame that

… and Roderick rejecting him because he is straight! And Spencer crying for the humiliation. That could have been both surprising and not totally unrealistic. What is so unrealistic is that Spencer has a crush on someone in high-school and guess what? That guy is gay too and he loves Spencer back. Very realistic.


I hate them for what they're doing to Dave Karofsky! Beside, he finished highschool, right? But what the hell is he doing now? What's his job? What are his ambitions? Why did he decide to stay in town after all the troubles he went through? A flat character with no character, really.

In fact, they all did a terrific job in the (in)famous episode of the shooting accident in the school. That must have been an acting and emotional "tour de force" for the new cast - who had been around for, like, two weeks and they were already asked such a strong performance, while the "old" gleeks were singing the

By the way, talking about the "Misused Directions", I've recently saw Melissa Benoist (the actress who used to play Marley) in "Whiplash": the movie is absolutely great (it's not a blockbuster comedy, some people may find it boring…) and even if she has a minor role she was actually very good. Plus, the movie is going

Max Adler is a great actor and in the first 3 seasons Dave Karofsky was complex and believable. But they manage to destroy his character. :-(