de Snoek

Interesting comparison, but no. One is style, even if it is avant-garde, the Pontiac is a steaming pile of meh.

Maybe they should have NOT gone with that ass-ugly popped-collar design, JUST A THOUGHT.

Uh, I hate to embarrass you, but you forgot Blinx.

Neither do articles that are unwilling to show how little Sony cares about accessibility.

How did you write an article about controller accessibility and not mention the Xbox Adaptive Controller?
Microsoft has invested millions of dollars to enable gamers of all abilities to play in their ecosystem while Sony has done practically nothing.

Or... they have a relatively wealthy government that actually has an interest in helping the population and improving their quality of life. I suppose that does feel like a foreign concept these days...

Agreed! It’s past the point where it’s liberating, and is now working on restricting everything.

PC culture at its worst... Should hunters change the name of their hideouts too? Stop being so sensitive about everything. There are 15 definitions of the word “blind” here.  Quit pretending like yours is the only and/or most important one.

How the hell are blind people upset about this? The tag wasnt written in braile.

I expected to see David Tracy shopping for a new project at the docks

Phil Spencer, the guy who was all-in on letting Smash Bros. include Banjo Kazooie? The guy who greenlit Minecraft on non-Xbox consoles, and included the Nintendo Switch in the “Better Together” update (allows crossplay between Xbox/PC/Switch)? The one who went on an Animal Crossing talk show, who said he’d be open to

Blood Stone was also an original story and had its own music theme (Sang by Joss Stone which was 10x better than the awful Another Way to Die at the time) and it was a pretty good game too, better story than Quantum of Solace.

Alright, I’m gonna say it. Hamilton might be a good driver, sure. But if I’m honest, he’s not “the goat.”

holy fuck that’s a great improvement

I’m sure that took a awhile, what with the app having trouble figuring out what was a face on that bloody grill. Take your star

Here you go. The BMW iX

Bangle is to whoever is doing this hot mess as G.W. Bush was to Trump. Not good in any way, but the current guy is so bad you long for the “good old days”.

This is the ugliest thing out of BMW literally ever.

Both films are beautifully shot. Absolutely gorgeous. Great sound design too. But IMHO neither are entertaining or enjoyable movies.