Vincent Singleton

Bill Maher isn’t “Liberal” , he isn’t in the least way “broad minded” and in fact he’s very reactionary, and the line about “Liberal progressophobia” is pretty much what Whites have been telling Blacks for the last 150 years: “ Stop complaining , look how far we come, we no long whip you in the middle of the street; we

Bill Maher isn’t married.

For all the Bernie Bros out there you need to realize that unless we get a veto proof majority in the House and Senate even the most centrist agenda will not get passed. Too many people believe that some savior candidate will cause the Republicans to see the light, it didn’t work with Obama and it will definitely not

The frustrated black factory workers; the college-educated black youth; the men who barely missed mass incarceration; the economically anxious black middle-class… They were simply discounted as the “black vote.”

Come on if this guy was Black he would have been kicked out so fast!

More importantly if White women don’t stand up for other women why do you think men will? 

I was on the bus and a Black man was on the phone attacking Gail and Oprah for not only being lesbians but for being part of the plot to take down Black men. If it was a White player who had been accused of raping a Black woman and no one ever asked about the incident again I wonder how many Black people would be ok

Yes, if “class” was more important than “race” Blacks would be further economically and politically (and I’m not talking about a few Blacks who parrot Fox News).

I will never forgive Black people for not voting in the same numbers as 2012.

I know, how many all White shows have been put on?

Isn’t it interesting that “Country” music which began in the south doesn’t seem to have awarded any Black women singers or recognized contributions of Black women to the genre?

I don’t get the whole “Blacks are traditionally conservative” line, at what point in American history did we have it so good that we felt like: “I’m good we can stay here forever?” Now, if you mean Blacks have brought into the Evangelical version of Christianity then yes a lot of older Blacks ( younger Blacks also

Meanwhile Amazon, Exxon,General Electric, Verizon, and others paid no federal income tax, but yes go after these few cases to distract us from how we are being screwed by big corporations.

Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t go to Aveda and expect them to know what to do with my hair except to cut it very close; yes it’s another example of need to have a diverse workforce. 

He and his kind can say that they are trying to save the poor Marshall Islanders since it is sinking (due to climate change).

“Sustainable Brazilian leather”? Isn’t one of the driving fores behind deforestation in the Amazon, out of control cattle production?

“Sustainable Brazilian leather”? Isn’t one of the driving fores behind deforestation in the Amazon, out of control

This tech will not be cheap and considering how in America everything has to make a huge profit I can see were only those who can afford this will get it leading to a greater divide in society.

I can’t get into Handmaid’s Tale either, call me a “wimp” but my tolerance for such stuff is limited.

Never say never, Trump or some of his friends with deep pockets can offer a butt load of money to more than a few prominent political figures to “nominate” Donald Trump.