Vincent Price's Laugh

If they really wanna get the gold medal, SB should make it a point to hire trans* black women so we can extend their average life expectancy. If they ever got a hold of that idea, you’d be able to hear the diversity/PR/HR/marketing folks flicking their (coffee) beans from miles away.

That’s because animals have to be compliant.

Yeah I saw people being obtuse in the comments but wanted the confusion spelled out just in case some errant grey thinks they’ve found their “aha!”

I’m just...

This came from a straight man?

This is ballroom stunt queen tease for DAYYYYYYS. I was reading those lyrics and unintentionally heard pulsing 808's and saw him duck walking in that Powerpuff Girls wig.

I can’t get over how this could have easily been a Mykki Blanco or Zebra Katz track and I would have been

James Comey...

A third party would be beneficial for that exact reason. We have a lot of moderates in this country. That’s been visibly obvious since at least the 60's. You have one party that is liberal, one party that is conservative, and essentially the middle ground mediators who can placate conservatives with things like

I agree with everything else but you’re giving Reid and Pelosi too much credit. They lucked out in working under Obama because their individual stances problematic could be overlooked as long as they were helping him. I have no doubt that if Reid didn’t go down to health issues, he would be lock-step with Pelosi right

I thought he was retiring because he didn’t want that smoke. Just put him and Nancy Pelosi in a room with a 1000 piece puzzle. We’ll never hear from either of them again cuz Lord knows they can’t accomplish shit with all the time in the world.

We all know it probably has some medicinal purpose and people aren’t just trying to get their dogs lit. However, it kind of goes hand-in-hand with the type of privilege you’d expect from someone calling the cops on a little girl selling water outside her building. If you’re concerned about an animal’s well being to

White people have finally made a good case for respectability politics. Kudos for the “ingenuity.”

Ettel, you might remember owns a weed-for-dogs business in San Francisco

Ah ok. My mistake and that makes more sense. I couldn’t picture Donald being the type to also say, “Fuck you and your moms. And your future fetuses. Stay blessed.” LMAO.

It seems like you’re both on the same page so maybe I’m missing something key. The thing about “king building” is that it’s aspirational and cute but it also puts a lot of responsibility on one person to make someone else better. It makes me ask “why can’t you find someone who already is a king?” of one party and “why

So Mara Brock Akil can work with Oprah and not get us that Girlfriends movie? Bet.

Childish Gambino criticizing white bloggers is...curious.

*stares babymotherly*

She was about to leave because you risked fucking up an entire family’s worth of checks. It’s not because she’s Angela Davis on the low.

His beautiful dark twisted fantasy is that Kim is one of the strong black women he used to know in Chicago. It would take more than just braids and flat tummy tea, Mr. Ye.

It’s not the same scenario but it’s the same concept. They tried to play fast and loose with the concept of “right to refuse service” and now it’s backfiring on them. They thought they could use it to oppress but if “I don’t like you” is a valid excuse to enact bigotry, it’s going to be a valid excuse to deny bigots

So if the third floor’s tub floods the second and first floors, you’re gonna blame the second floor?

It’s also a really reductive take on blackness. Rap is basically reality TV on wax. There has to be a narrative, there has to be controversy, and it has to be entertaining. The goal is to make money, not educate or

I love that Nancy Pelosi continues to treat government like the ice cream machine at McDonald’s. “Well being mean won’t make it work.”

I’m not sure if you’ll read this but it’s open to other readers as well. How would you have liked the topic to have been broached with you?

Checking someone’s proximity to whiteness is dicey because we live in a white supremacist society. However, what if someone is offended by you checking whiteness that they’re