Vincent Price's Laugh

The Dem congress under Obama was truly a fucking joke. People wanted to impeach him based on YouTube conspiracy theories and brought nooses to public demonstrations. Pelosi on the other hand is still advocating civility. If someone’s job security hinges on them letting racists run amok instead of doing a good job,

So we can deny people a cake because they’re gay and it has to go to the Supreme Court to set that in stone but we can’t deny people a meal because they’re liars that are complicit in bigotry that’s resulting in physical harm because...yeah.

I’ll take “But I’m A Protected Class” for $300, Alex.

The silver lining is that

This depressed me so much over the weekend and angered me and then depressed me and is angering me again. Like how? People are so greedy for power that they’re willing to let a woman carry a dead baby to term because of moral objections? Bitch you’re pushing pills not legislation.

I think about the Heather Heyer death from time to time.

There was a white supremacist rally comprised of young men. Then someone drove a truck into a group of people protesting their domestic terrorism on display. The victim was a white woman.

Put aside displaced male aggression, the violent tendencies that every bigot

I’m gonna keep it real with you, this article is a mess.

I’ve always taken neoliberalism to mean that acquiring wealth is more important than knowing where the money comes from or caring where it goes to, so long as you can funnel some of it into “good causes” that ultimately benefit your agenda.

Wouldn’t Yelp-bombing

Wow, Cher is on that bullshit too, apparently. Thanks for the article.

The last I heard about her was declining to do a movie about Flint because she didn’t think the retelling of the crisis should be centered around her, especially when it’s still ongoing. She also had been very vocal about Trump’s bigotry before the

I get what you’re saying and normally I’d applaud it. Jane Fonda, Cher, and Maxine Waters are examples of people who do that very well.

Madonna on the other hand just seems out of touch. Why is a cultural icon who was so influential in music acting like LuAnn from RHONY mixed with Kim Kardashian? The detachment from

My worry at first was that people would steer her campaign in the direction of “I’m Miranda, remember me?” It’s honestly super refreshing that her campaign hasn’t been that or the usual milquetoast WASP Democrat banter either. She knows her stuff and has experience trying to change government policies, even it from

And this is why I don’t care that much about people criticizing her. Cher is out here a whole 300 years old, looking snatched as ever, and being unproblematic. A sexy vampy snack. Meanwhile, the ripe banana of pop keeps careening out of her lane hoping we’ll enjoy the car accident appeal and give her more attention.

When we thrive, so will everyone else.”

All your kids gotta be talented if you wanna be the Joe Jackson HD remake

So we’re gonna try and save the charred turkey instead of just ordering Chinese?

I still need to know if that’s a wig. Those bangs are too...unnatural. Maybe that’s why she’s always squinting. If you crinkle your forehead, it’s harder for people to see the line between lace and face.

The Democrats can’t do anything about it now. This is true but how did we get here? Furthermore, if we get out of this hole in 2020, what’s to stop it from happening again in 2028?

Obama is probably the best proof of how you can do things good enough in a broken system and still have a positive outcome. His presidency

“You’re wrong,” here’s an Occupy Democrats macro, a bunch of platitudes that sound woke, and maybe a power fist emoji*

Lord. Here comes the usual “well Republicans are worse so you’re just making it easier for them” lukewarm takes. Even though, we have ample proof that allowing Democrats to make big mistakes is why the Republican President has gotten exponentially worse each time the pendulum swings back in their direction.

The same

Hip Hop University: It’s Lit, Fam *air horns and bomb drop sound effect*

Queer women are usually shown more in straight works whereas specifically gay works are usually male-centered

I’m sorry but Alexyss K Tylor and her mama did this first and did it better.

“Neva let a man hit the bottom of yo vagina.”
“They don’t know bout the bottom.”

Her joy probably comes from still flourishing despite men, whatever their skin color, seeing fit to tell her that how she’s living is wrong.

P.S. When has Janet bleached her skin? There’s people who do want to look eurocentric but you’re also forgetting about eurocentric makeup and eurocentric photography dominating