Vincent Price's Laugh

The only sensational headline that was ever worthy of being one.


One Twitter reaction deserves another so here’s my contribution

Janet is the type of person I aspire to be. Being a Jackson, the SuperBowl, voluntarily having sex with Jermaine Dupri, the issues with her child’s father, etc. all should have ruined her career but she’s still here and smiling about it. Hers is a shine that can’t be dulled.

I see no lies. Liberal people were retweeting Arnold Schwarzenegger, who in the same tweet, was still spouting Republican policy. Doing the bare minimum of not being a trash human being isn’t enough. Don’t open Pandora’s Box because you want to appease conservatives. They will always find a way to take advantage and

“But I can’t be prejudiced. I’m multicultural. See? I went to eat at a Mexican restaurant.”

Don’t even tell me that’s not her line of thinking.

“Well black lives will matter when there’s no more black on black crime”

“We wouldn’t have a problem with them if they came here legally”

“Women shouldn’t stay in abusive relationships”

Yet somehow for some reason, we still need to take upholding fair and balanced justice into consideration when granting permits to

I’m concerned by how much of this project is centered around him. I appreciate that he is actually from the place that he is trying to fix the issues of but I have the same reservations about him as I do Elon Musk eyeing Puerto Rico to test out his ideas. The population is not a computer simulation. These are real

DWS couldn’t have e-mailed someone beforehand? No but seriously, why is she still allowed to work in anything government related? Appreciate the help but don’t trust it.

Food Service Industry Logistics Coordinating Consulting Field Associate

I’ve seen DoorDash drivers leave restaurants leave without all of the food because it was taking too long. Thought it was an honest mistake when it happened to me but then saw it happen twice while waiting for my takeout. I mention this because it’s absolutely true that neither the third party, the driver, nor the

I don’t get the crusade against straws. We still use the six ring plastic cuffs for six packs which are infinitely worse and only have one use. The majority of portable water is in plastic bottles and even then we still have places like Flint with a dirty water supply. Places that don’t even serve anything that would

I guess it’s show-out by preaching to the choir day on The Root...

If you know about the police protests, Freddie Gray not getting justice, and the eventual riots that followed because he didn’t, then why is garden variety white American fuckery a surprise? I almost wish this was the worst thing happening in Bmore.

I just...

You pulling an “I don’t know her” on a black woman who actually lives in the same country as the British monarchy under the guise of protecting black women’s voices from being dismissed is honestly what I’d expect from someone who quotes their comments on other people’s articles. I could go off on a tangent

I think along with HuskyBro, we’re just shocked that you’re shocked about Baltimore of all places. Even if you don’t know the city lore or haven’t watched the show made about said lore, the riots within the past five years were no joke.

““If you hear any of our staff shouting in a language other than English, please call 443-415-7775 immediately with the name of the employee to receive a coupon for free coffee and a pastry,” the sign read.” 

You not knowing Munroe Bergdorf, not even bothering to Google her, and instead calling her an alleged duchess, all while talking about black women being disregarded is why I find this so...wild. Someone like you would quote themselves.

1.) It’s a joke

2.) Food isn’t devoid of politics. Just ask farmers.

3.) You’re welcome to dismiss my comment and go back into your bubble if merely mentioning political figures makes you squeamish.

I’m pretty much parroting the sentiments of Munroe Bergdorf, a British black womxn activist, who lost a prominent job because she spoke out about white supremacy, but okay. You sure showed me by quoting yourself though.

Wow. Y’all are really hypersensitive in these comments. Is a white man speaking to a white man about forgiving white men really that unrealistic of a scenario? Matthew McConaughey said the same thing. Megan’s white side of her family might be ratchet but don’t act like this conversation or the contents of it sound