Vincent Price's Laugh

Well it “worked.” We’re all talking about IHOP - how crappy their food is and how terrible this ad campaign is.

It doesn’t matter that you absolutely don’t want a place that sells food, a basic human need, to be associated with bad publicity. Not like the restaurant industry is one of the most volatile because of how

It’s really that simple. For some reason people continue to think of socio-politics like a n00b playing Uno. Good job on making them pick up an extra card. Now take your Draw 4. You really showed them.

“iT’s JuSt ThE illEgaLs”

Anybody who proudly defends those in power, even when they’re wrong, should be forced to wear a sign around their neck that says, “It’s shake n’ bake fascism...and I helped!”

There is no asterisk on your reasons for condoning ass behavior. There’s only tangible actions that happen as a result of

Oh look. The troll learned a new phrase and needs their daily attention. Yawn.

It might have been more impactful if this wasn’t a straight up Parks and Recreation episode. Political theory will tell you that anarchists are a sign of “successful” government. Organized activism with specific goals/demands are what really scares the public and makes politicians take notice.

I can’t deny her success or versatility. I’m still content to deny everything else. I hope she keeps serving lewks and making hits because these Playboy article style interviews with her only underscore how much self-awareness and depth she lacks.

GM seems to be the type of company that immediately jumps at new technology because they’re told about how much money it will make them but then doesn’t want to actually do the work. They want to default to ‘Murica and dealerships because the world didn’t become Wall E overnight.



They’re sitting down. He stands up, whips it out, and puts it in front of her face. She declines. He slaps her with it.

It’s not exactly the magic bullet that killed JFK

To borrow a line from our new woke queen Kim Kardashian,

“It’s what she deserves.”

I’m starting to think the CNN thing was a red herring from the get-go. CNN, along with the rest of cable news media, gave him the most airtime out of any of the 2016 candidates. We found out recently that AT&T paid the same “fixer” that Trump uses. Him blocking the merger was probably to make that seem less suspicious

He’s a straight male Gen X-er. “Swingers” almost takes up both circles in that Venn diagram of interests.

What in the Grand Theft Atlanta?

Ok but what is up with this “Nothing Was The Same” album cover?

Just because the shoe fits, doesn’t mean someone would want to wear it. In fact, that’s pretty central to what I’ve been talking about. Kim Kardashian wasn’t willing to walk in someone else’s “shoes” until she realized she’d get compliments. Which if we’re being honest, is a real world example of how incremental

Incrementalism will always work because it eventually has to. At a certain point, it’s no longer viable to be anti-* if you wish to compete. It has nothing to do with an actual paradigm shift in public consciousness. That’s why every -ism and -phobia still exists. Course corrections only happen when those stances

Make Amazon invest in the city. If they choose to go elsewhere, it’s less of a headache in the immediate and down the road. Seattle wants the up-top money and is willing to screw its residents to get it. San Francisco is a glaring example of how badly corporate expansion affects a city. The corporation should become

Pause. I was with you on performative progressiveness not accomplishing anything but the usual condescending “the way the world works” talk is tired because it stops just short of reality. The world has always “worked” a certain way and violence is always a part of that equation on some level. Therefore putting

I can tolerate loud music in a bar but my God can we please stop cranking music in eating establishments?

Rose McGowan is so gross.