Vincent Price's Laugh

Of the comparison between Chelsea and the Bush daughters?

The Clintons are big on accolades and public image. Being pushed to succeed and reflect well on your parents leaves little room for error. She also just seems mature in general. That’s probably because she grew up with a dad that embarrassed her mom and cost

Burbank having a median income of $85k a year and still having potholes is part of the reason why I hate Southern California. Public works projects in that part of the country might as well be George RR Martin books.

I have to admit, I’m a little jealous of people who can move this fast. I usually need at least 3-5 business days before I’m comfortable enough with my own life choices, let alone someone else’s.

It’s also widely known that your ilk is only contrarian when cultural norms are shifting because you’re too impotent to take a stand on anything that doesn’t grant you safety via privilege. Have to be fake brave with the hot takes.

But sure. Go on with this insipid narrative that a Jezebel hunted down and gained access

I’m with others in that I don’t understand how or why Punk is this bad. He started wrestling almost twenty years ago. If you can choreograph a worked fight as well as he does, then I feel like logically he should be able to do all of that same stuff for real to actually hurt someone.

don’t get caught / get away with it*

You gotta remember this is the same guy that tried to “normalize” gay to try and get straight roles. He doesn’t even think about himself in terms of being an actual person. “We’re all just commodities” thus sayeth NPH.

The Chelsea criticism is tired. She’s never shown any political aspirations and I’m sure for her sanity, she wants nothing to do with the circus she’s lived in all her life. I’m quite honestly surprised she hasn’t turned out like Michael Jackson or Lindsay Lohan. The Bush daughters went through less harassment and

There’s such a thing as coerced consent. He was her boss and not just any boss. He was the President of the United States of America. Who is gonna tell him “no” and think that’s where it ends? Not only that, when the truth came out, he threw her under the bus while lying to save his own ass. Even now he seems to think

Serious question: Who is Bill Clinton, the person?

You can’t blame a wife for her husband’s behavior. It’s easy to say a woman should leave a husband that isn’t treating her right but sometimes it’s complicated for reasons beyond legality/attachment/saving face. By her own admission, Hillary doesn’t really care what

That’s all well and good in a world where people don’t try and shirk responsibility and instead hold themselves accountable in the face of criticism. It’s always been this way but especially post social media, if you try and call someone out on their BS, a wave of apologists will come out of the woodwork and you’re

In classic Ivanka Trump fashion (aka knockoff Ann Taylor Loft)

Sometimes you just have to laugh because of how truly ridiculous and comical it is. I liken it to laughing at children swearing when you know you should be reprimanding them instead. Even the tone is childish.

“Let me explain to you why it’s not bad for me to explain things to people who know better than I do”

Who I thought of when I saw that only one white person had been busted.

Her first name starts with a K y’all. Please leave illuminati/centrist discussion for diet woke/hotxp Twitter or at least articles that are actually about issues beyond an R&B singer selling sex toys.


I love this woman. She has been shining since the 90's and this rebirth is well deserved.

That job would actually include perks compared to this

I’ve struggled with this sort of bitterness for years. I have admittedly been able to charm my way into a lot of great opportunities. In the same token, there’s a lot of people who will outright dismiss my ideas until they’re brought up by someone who is better at presenting them or who they just straight up want to

The “jackrabbit” scene for Carrie hit too close to home. People aren’t Fleshlights or fifis.

Yeah let’s be real. Her and Jeffree Star were both racist but she just threw him under the bus first.

People actually like Kat Von D? She’s like the goth Kim Kardashian.