
Certainly would have been more productive than showing us Hulk Hogan’s withered body.

Scientology’s version of evangelism is purposely low key. They don’t proselytize by talking about their faith, instead opting to hand out flyers about maximizing your personal potential and encouraging people to visit learning centers. The Catholic Church and Christianity are too proud to “trick” someone into coming

I’m embarrassed for them.

With that said, I have a feeling Tiffany on the left knows about BBC but has never watched British television.

I think to find Kylie Jenner intriguing you kinda have to have this kind of limited vocabulary. Someone else said it reminds them of Paris Hilton and that’s spot on. Using slang doesn’t make someone dumb but when someone can’t even articulate themselves in their preferred vernacular/dialect/language, it shows a lack

This isn’t Galileo being called a heretic for believing the world isn’t flat. It’s a rich guy making things for rich people but trying to pass himself off as a visionary.

Whereas hipster apologists are usually not so subtle in saying they feel entitled to everything for being privileged


Arnold was a Republican governor that got his nanny pregnant and hid it from his wife. What do you think?

I see what you did there and approve.

And this right here is absolutely why I hate how abusers co-opt BDSM and get away with it. Because we’re a sexually repressed culture, the majority are willing to look the other way so they don’t get outed. Fuck people who commit heinous acts in the name of kink and the people who protect them because assuaging their


I bet you like domination porn too. None of that soft stuff either. The kind where someone has tears coming down their face and a foot on the back of their head during backshots.

That is the only way I can understand why someone would want to see BTNH go against Migos. Just the “bone bone bone bone” ad-lib alone would

Just another day on the plantation in Calabassas.

Realistically? It was a pay check. I think it was the optics that made her regret her decision. She shouldn’t have been doing a fast food commercial with her level of celebrity to begin with but to do a song about chicken? Girl.

Dan Schneider laughs at your “that was then” attitude.

So even after a police officer got fired for arresting a nurse who wouldn’t draw blood months ago and several doctors declined to do an unnecessary procedure that very night, the hospital still went through it?

Sue them. Sue them into oblivion. EIGHT cops thirsty to get more charges to stick and a bootlicking doctor

“Produce her and all of this goes away AND you make your doubters look paranoid and prejudiced.

Scientology: *makes everything look even more suspicious by sending out cease-and-desist letters full of propaganda*

Shhh. You can’t say that. It’s being mean or something. It never ceases to amaze me how masculine identities can aggressively defend having a perfect fantasy and feminine ones can’t take offense or else they’re considered bitter.

The problem is he thinks he’s funny and unfortunately other people whose sense of humor involves punching down think he is too. The bar for people who co-sign Michael Rapaport is so low it doesn’t exist.