
He can’t come out and say it’s access roads for the rich. Him being able to dig a tunnel in suburban LA county has everything to do with his money/celebrity. The city’s own Metro gets stalled every step of the way when they try to expand and it’s always because of NIMBYs. Clearly they don’t oppose this project because

Fun fact: Pasadena might still be the only place in America to have ever convicted a black person of “felony lynching.” Adding insult to injury, the actual crime committed was a black woman defending a friend against a police officer. They just called it “felony lynching” to be extra racist.

Tales from the Grift

There have only been three times I haven’t tipped in my life.

1.) Literally my first time eating out a restaurant. I didn’t know it was a thing.

2.) I waited half an hour to get cold breakfast. It wasn’t a long wait to get served. I just sat there watching the time go by. They definitely forgot my food. The kicker? It

Outta pocket for the progeria comment

They genuinely think she is lying because if she isn’t, the person they’re defending is. Pride will make people do really stupid things.

I am so glad Mary declined. Twitter will not let her live down the chicken bop she made for Burger King years ago.

“I wanted a muscular 1970s dad,” director Guy Ritchie revealed about Genie’s final form. “He was big enough to feel like a force — not so muscular that he looked like he was counting his calories, but formidable enough to look like you knew when he was in the room.”

If she wasn’t being held on bail, she wouldn’t have died in prison.

Reading how many people are still driving with DUIs is depressing. I understand an error in judgment shouldn’t ban you from having a car ever again but obviously fines and misdemeanors aren’t working.

I wanna know if Oprah has sex. I feel like she’s at that tax bracket of where it no longer interests her.

That much I can understand. I would always be skeptical of the government too. Where it gets sour for me is when that skepticism turns into paranoia and that gets turned inward.

You’re scared of omnipotent Jews so you turn to Anglo white people for answers? I have never known an Anti-Semitic white person that was

The Spike Lee juxtaposition is sending me.

At this point I want to believe it’s intentional to create marketing buzz but having known a lot of people in marketing/fashion, I’m not entirely sure. I’d liken them to Trump in that you feel like you shouldn’t take them seriously because they’re so ridiculous but you should

I’ve watched Showtime. I’ve never watched Viceland.

Shoutouts to her calling “urban” folk broke though. Only confirms what I’ve always thought of Vice: 

So the people who truly have all the power and wealth sacrificed themselves in the millions to...have all the power and wealth?

Black pepper and ketchup?

We kinda don’t like how he cozied up to members of the Trump Administration.

“She uses this idea of being feminist and a progressive as camouflage,” one employee said.