
To be fair this is how just about every HR diversity brainstorming session goes down, even in liberal corporations. It’s just particularly galling that the Republicans want a strategy that they actively fight tooth and nail against.

Wow. Nancy Pelosi must have taken the criticism to heart. She didn’t mince words about not wanting to play ball.

Is male R&B in the same place female rap was in the late 2000's? Because that’s the only way I can see TV One’s version of Quavo getting this much hype.

Yeah I feel sympathy for Pelosi. She is the only woman in that room.I wouldn’t even want to be a man in that room. Ugh.

The two biggest recipients are the Republican and Democrat from Texas.

I am the last person to shout “this is a purity test!” or defend corporate influence but the sensationalism here is a bit much. They’re acting like he’s in bed with the Saudis when it’s just a by-product of the state he represents.

One of the unfortunate reasons I can conceive of for her closely associating with many a sexual predator and needing to claim superiority over other women at every turn is because she herself was a victim. I always found her claims that she didn’t have to bang anyone to get into the industry dubious because unless she

This generation is just too sensitive if you let Kevin Hart tell it. Nevermind that it was a grown ass man lumping a girl who isn’t even old enough to drink. I bet Isaac Bailey putting on his cape as we speak LOL.

The white people that weren’t out protesting Civil Rights in the 70's, either for or against, were decidely on their bullshit. The recipes from that time are legendary in their disgustingness.

But what we’re not about to do is season meat in the sink itself. I saw that ratchetry on Twitter and was like, “so you gonna wash it off again or?”

I mean I hope it’s a goon because if an R. Kelly stan was willing to do this...

Y’all Tumblr gays are habitual line steppers. This is why Verizon and Kevin Hart hate us.

I’ve been referring to the dude in the thumbnail as SheMAGA Moore.

There is definitely something “different” about his looks. Did you the see picture of him with his bumpkin ass family? They look like the Aryan Brotherhood in comparison. I need to know where those genes came from specifically because he’s a little too Church of the Fair and Plaster Complexioned Males in his ideology.

Nollywood is a treasure

I suspected as much.

Most likely, city officials are needing to explain why they are low on funds and can’t reveal that it’s because of embezzlement.

It’s always been Quavonce, Offsetty Rowland, and Leftoffbadandboujelle Williams.

You’re a teacher that thinks they have a valid opinion on something they don’t know enough about? Double yikes.

This is what I have been saying for years. Target is Wal-Mart with better branding. It’s the same exploitative practices and cheap merchandise. When I got hired to work there during my early college years, it somehow paid less than food service and comparable retail outlets.

There are people who serve jail time and have criminal records because some 18 year old had sex with his 15 year old girlfriend he met through school and her parents are vindictive assholes.